

tomorrow #3
"follow me, I have something to show you guys" palms said "but you guys must promise you won't tell the adults". "tell the adults, what happened did you kill someone" I said in a attempt to make a joke but Noone laughed. "okay so you guys know how people younger than 20 can't have phones" palms said " WHAT KIND OF HORRIBLE RULE IS THAT" I shouted. "rule number 1, no yelling in this alley" palms said "but you just yelled at us just a second ago" Corey explained. "well your right but, NOBODY OTHER THAN ME CAN YELL IN HERE" palms shouted. "okay what is it you wanted to show us" I said "oh right" palms said as she reached for this dull pink book. "I have a phone" palms whispered "I stole it earlier this morning when everyone was sleeping, I can get you guys a phone to" she whispered "yes we would like phones" Corey whispered. "FOOOD IS READY" Annabeth shouted. "OKAY" I shouted and we ran back to the house. we finished eating the steak which tasted like a peice of heaven but then I started to feel pretty sleepy. my eyes all droopy, constantly yawning and then "POOF", I was sleep in a second. then I had a dream about that day, the day of my 12th birthday where everything bad happened. The lights went out, my phone stopped working, and then out of nowhere men with horse mask came busting through the windows with guns and killed my oldest brother and my dog scrooge. I then ran at one and they hit my head with the gun and fell out. "wake up, wake up" a familiar voice whispered " huh what" i said "shhhhhhhhhhhh" palms said "wha- palms?" I said "yes its me, now wake Corey up" she whispered and gave me a phone "thanks" I whispered as Corey woke up "thanks" Corey said "but how did you get-" "shhhhhhhhh" palms interrupted "now ill see you guys in my alley in the morning" palms whispered "both of your passwords are 1101" palms whispered as she left " hey she gave me her number" Corey said "wait what why don't I have her number my contacts have nonting but your number" i said sadly "gimme her number" I said "no" Corey said as we fought over the phone "maybe she gave you the wrong one aren't you just 14" I said hoping I was right "dude im 16" he said as he took the phone back "now let's get some sleep in" Corey said "okay man" I said with a deep sigh.

stay tuned for more tomorrow for chapter 4

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