

Wisdom Comes Through Experience!!!
Once upon a time there lived a money-lender. One day a clever man approached him and requested him to give him a loan.
The money lender asked him to come the next day.
Next day, at about 11 a.m. the clever man went to the house of the money-lender.
He was treated well. The money lender said, " Loan, no problem. It is lunch time. You must have lunch first."
The clever man was served lunch. The dishes were tasty. In the room the money-lender's loyal dog was also sitting in a corner. It was continuously looking at the man eating. The clever man ate to his fill and thanked the money-lender and requested him to give him the loan. The money-lender said,"You were eating my food and my dog was looking towards you with a desire in its eyes.
But you did not give even a small piece of 'chapatti' to it. You were not to lose anything because the food belonged to me.
I will not give you any loan. I am sure you won't return it." The clever man left the place peevishly. Wisdom Comes Through Experience..!!