Therapy on the roof
That day I had very little desire to go to group therapy. I had argued with my mother in the car, for the umpteenth time, and what's more, the last time a viper in the group preferred to judge me than keep his mouth shut. In short, I really had a devil in my hair. I got out of the car slamming the door, I noticed that my mother was upset, but I preferred to act proud, i was agitated, nervous, too many things were boiling in my body, and I couldn't stand it when that happened, I just wanted to lock myself in a closet and kicking and screaming. Janette, one of the TERPs, greeted me at the entrance and asked me how I was. I obviously had a complete shutdown, I didn't feel like talking that day, or working, I would have crouched in a corner of the room with headphones on so as not to hear those chickens. They said they chose us on purpose, thinking we would work well together. However, for a couple of weeks...