

The Last Breath
The morning came, a cool breeze gently blows through, As the sound of birds started to chirp when the sun begins to glimmer in the distance rising over the tree line,
I took my last breath.
I stared at the light' Admiring the view breathing deeply, taking that one last breath before the air left my body. Knowing that I was dying
Darkness quickly surrounded me' the chill came over me. Was this the end? Is this the last time on earth?
I asked myself that question with a smile,
I wasn't ready to die, but it happened.
There's nothing I can do.'
A shadow came over me. Something in the shadow wanted to take me away.
I tried to fight it off, but it strengthened the shadow that pulled me into the darkness.
Deeper and deeper I went, the shadow pulled me ' I tried to fight my way free
Then all of a sudden, in the corner of my eye, I spotted a dim light just to my left-hand side.
The light shined brightly as it grew in size. It slowly started getting bigger; when I stared at it carefully, noticing that it felt like I could touch it, I reached out, trying to grab it, but I couldn't Struggle too as the shadow took me deep into the darkness.
Closing my eyes, I didn't want to see where I was going, and the light got further away. I started to pray to hope for something to happen, then all of a sudden, I felt a grab someone or something grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back.
I couldn't open my eyes. I knew the darkness had a hold on me, and whatever ever had, my other arm was fighting over me.
Moments later, I heard a voice that told me to open my eyes, I didn't want to open them, but the vote was forceful Open your eyes now; worried as I was slowly and gently I opened my eyes' Clinching my eyes I noticed that I was in a field with long grass up to my waist height and I can see for miles.
Mountains were in the distance; I can see the green grass, placing my hand brushing through the grass as I stepped forward. Staring towards the hills, I took a glimpse at the sky and noticed how blue it was. I didn't know where I was, so I asked the voice where am I, But I didn't get a response.
Asking again calling out at the voice, I asked Where I am' Hello - I said Where am I,
It was silence, no sound of the voice anywhere. I looked around, trying to find someone; then I called out, Why am I here? What am I suppose to do? Suddenly the voice spoke,' You can do whatever you want but remember life in the present, I looked up to the sky listening' Live in the present I thought, What do mean live in the present I'm dead I was in the present before I came here, The voice didn't respond I waited but nothing. I said, what do you mean? Few minutes passed, the vote was gone, and I stood looking around, asking myself what it means by living in the present.
Tilting my head down to the grass, I watched the grass move in the wind, then took one more look up to the sky before turning around, starting back at the mountains, and walked towards them.
I came out of the grass walking onto a rocky path that leads me to the cliff; I stood looking over, staring down at the valley and the river that runs through between the mountains.
Deciding to sit down, I sat on the edge with my feet hanging over the edge' The voice appeared again it is beautiful, isn't it, Yes I replied then the voice asked Are you going to jump off, No - Why would I do that, I don't know just curious wondering what you are doing, I'm just admiring the view, Ok - That's good, I took a breath in a smile came upon my face I don't know. Still, I felt a great calm and at ease; the voice vanished for the third time, but I didn't care; I sat there staring out, knowing I was home and never wanted to leave.
Nothing feels better than knowing you are looked after and kept safe from any threat or danger; now, I found my peace within because this was always home, not like the one I had when I was alive.


© Jason Dunn