

The Avenger (Part 1)
I awoke sitting on a white grand upholstered chair and before me was a round glass top Elton dining table with a beautiful flower vase on it. I looked around and saw people sitting at their table, some were eating and drinking while others were conversing probably waiting to be served. Behind me I slowly observed people making orders at the counter. On a banner slightly above the counter was a list of food and snacks with their respective cost. My attention was quickly drawn to the text written in bold red above the list. It read "Laybay City restaurant ". A huge luxurious restaurant it was with a glossy wall design and an admirable settings but its name and look I was absolutely unfamiliar with. I began to muse on how I got to the restaurant but nothing distinct came forth . Once again I looked around among the crowd in search of familiar faces hoping to spot someone I know but none were. As I turned to my table to question a young looking lady passing by someone else drew my attention. It was a grime looking old man who seemed to be in his mid 80s. He was sitting at the other side of the table I sat and startled by his look I wondered how long he had been sitting there. At the moment his eyes were fixed on me. Neither did i know this man nor why he was looking at me in such manner. His face was fraught with sadness and expressed deep pain that made me ponder over what he was unsettled and unhappy with. "Sir what's the matter? " I asked but didn't received any response. "Sir do I know you? Have we met before? " I asked again as my curiosity rose but not a single word came out of his mouth. Suddenly he placed his right hand on the left side of his chest and broke out in tears and with his left hand he pointed at the main entrance of the restaurant still without saying a word. I was flummoxed, my eyes alternated between him and the entrance as I wondered what his expressions meant. I reflected on who he probably would be, why he was so hurt, what his gestures signify and why he couldn't respond to any of my questions. "why are you so hurt sir? What's wrong?", I asked again but he never answered. He only kept staring at the entrance. I stretched out my hand and waved to him so as to call his attention and in a snap he turned back to me but this time his stern and unwavering gaze I got frightened of. However, I didn't let that linger by turning to a waitress who was standing beside me waiting to attend to me. I observed the pretty young girl for some seconds before exchanging pleasantries with her. I then took the menu presented to me by her. As I went through the menu I stole a look at the man and found his eyes still on me . I quickly gestured the waitress to come closer. She instantly obeyed with a smile like she already knew what I intended asking . "I am not quite comfortable here. Please is there any vacant seat around.", I asked putting the question I initially intended to ask aside. For a moment the smile on her face disappeared and she was rather curious. She leaned back observing everything around me. As her eyes moved slowly from my table up to my face it met mine and she then brought back the smile. "sure madam. Please follow me", she replied and acted like she never saw the old man on the other side. I stood to my feet and as I was about following the waitress lead I checked to see if the man still had his eyes on me but he was not there anymore. I quickly looked at the exit and entrance route but no one was leaving. "excuse me...", I was interrupted by the sudden disappearance of everyone within sight as I turned to speak to the waitress and after few minutes of proper check I realized that everyone in the restaurant was gone. I was so petrified that I stood still not knowing what to think and what action to take. The emptiness of the restaurant was errie that not even my guts could withstand. A sound came from behind that got me freaking out but there was no indication of what made the sound. "Hello! Is anyone there", I asked but I got no answer other than strange echoes of what I had said. Towards the edge from the entrance a shadow was cast on a translucent window. It was the shadow of a person and the motion of it signified the person was heading for the entrance. As my eyes followed the shadow to the entrance it got displaced to the floor when the bearer opened the entrance door. Surprisingly, It was a tall and huge person putting on a mask and an armor with a rifle trained at me. As my reflexes pulled me heading for the bar room in attempt to move out of sight he fired. Death appeared to be imminent. I tried as much as I could to save my life but my efforts were rendered futile. Bullets from the rifle inflicted great damages on me that I couldn't resist but rather I fell to the floor just before the bar room. He stopped shooting immediately I dropped and walked up to the spot I layed helplessly on. In pain I slowly turned to face him and saw his mask was already pulled off. It was my father's P. A smiling like a hunter that just had a big catch. I couldn't do any other thing than stare at him as he hung the rifle on his left arm, pulled out a hand gun with his right hand and trained it at my forehead willing to shoot. After some seconds of smiling and tilting his head continously from left to right the smile on his face suddenly disappeared and he pulled the trigger.
I woke up in a cold sweat at exactly 11:56pm realizing that it was all a bad dream. I found myself on the floor of my room just close to my bed. It was the third night I fell off from bed. I felt an acute pain in my knee but I managed to take my mind off it to reflect on the dream I had. After some minutes I broke down in tears having brought my loss to mind. I began boiling in anger and resentment. Time would have quelled the longering of vengeance but each night my dream rekindled the feeling of bitterness and grief that made the desire to wreck vengeance grow much stronger in me. Hurt to the bone I picked myself up and sat on the bed in such a way that I could look out the window into the dark night. My loneliness reminded me of the good times of my past when my parents would always come in very early in the morning to give me and my brothers an early morning kiss and wishes for the day before they leave for work. I remembered how I and my brothers would always play roughly around the sitting room and mum would yell out "don't turn the sitting room into a playing ground". We looked out for each other in school and everywhere we went. My father was fond of playing hide and seek game with us as well as chess game with my mum when they both got back from work. In chess my mum was always the under dog and my dad the top dog and for that reason we would always assist mum when she is up against dad but dad was so good that he would beat us altogether with no mercy. Mum often claimed that she purposely allowed dad to win because she loves the way he dances around each time he did. The day mum won the family was so excited that dad heaved mum in his arm in joy and made a firm decision to spoil us. He took us out to the shopping mall, amusement park and cinema during the weekend. It was so fun and I enjoyed every part of it.
Soon It began to rain cats and dogs. I looked up to the sky and it had a dead look to it. Consequently my pain, thoughts and grief began to rise to the surface. The entire tragic event repeated in my mind.
My dad being a wealthy man decided to fullfill his long term desire to become the state governor. His journey to actualizing that dream was what took away my family, joy and peace of mind. The evil opposition got in his way through Mr. Rooney my dad's P. A. One day I got to the P. A's office to inquire how well the campaign was progressing but he wasn't in his office. As I was about leaving I heard a low voice coming from the convenience room. I listened on and realized it was Mr Rooney on a phone call. I overheard him promising to undertake a task for a token of 30mil dollars which is to be paid before the election starts and that he has appointed a professional for a job I felt was related to the campaign. It wasn't long after he bid goodbye he came out and was startled to see me. "jeezzz you scared me. Didn't I lock the door behind you? ". "No. And why would you do that", I asked in a low tone of voice. "we are having a big campaign rally few hours from now so I needed to be alone for a short prayer", he said with an uneasy expression. "oh, that's great... Seem like we now have a professional for the job". He was quiet for a moment and I noticed something suspicious about his entire countenance and expression. "of course. In times like this you just need the right people that will give you the best outcome on board", he replied with a positive and relaxed gesture. "it's a thing to be joyous for that we have victory in the bag". "Sure! A win win situation lies ahead". We both laughed and I told him I will be going to the rally with him which he agreed to on the condition of receiving my dad's approval. After a nod from me in acceptance of his condition I departed to pick up some books at the library and while I went I thought about Mr Rooney suspicious non-verbal responses especially after he got out of the convenience room. Was he up to something I couldn't tell but I had a deep feeling he was. I was desirous and expectant of my dad's dream becoming a reality and in other to ensure that such dream isn't compromised by his P. A I decided to clear my doubt about him by keeping him on close watch without being notice. I told my dad when I got home about going out with them to rally and as well what I heard his P. A say on the phone and how suspiciously he acted advising him to find out what business he was into furtively but he brushed it off with a smile, reprimanded me for eavesdropping on his most trusted employee and disapproved of me joining them to rally for some security reasons best known to him. Dad claimed before I was even born that Mr Rooney has been his P. A and he can't just believe that he will turn against him after all they had been through. Consequently, without my dad's knowledge I began keeping a close watch on Mr Rooney longing to know what he was up to and if found to be a traitor I planned to find ways to prove to my dad that he was no longer worthy of his trust.
Though Mr Rooney kept a clean trails in and out of the office environment I kept watching his every move without being noticed. A day came he was at the city outskirt shore waiting for someone. I was on a tower about 1. 5 kilometers from where he was with a binoculars peeking at him. From my position I saw three executive cars drive in and I quickly pulled out my phone, switched it to the video camera mode, zoomed in and began recording. The cars stopped and some people climbed out of them. Surprisingly among them was Mr Casillas dad's major political opponent and the rest of them I presumed were his guard as they were all armed. Mr Rooney had selected a perfect meeting site and time as there was no one within the shore. I noticed a tall man come out of the car with a suitcase. He walked up to Mr Cassilas and was then instructed by him to give the suitcase to Mr Rooney. He did as instructed, shook hands and then they all went back into the car and left. As I pulled my camera back to Mr Rooney he was already leaving. I quickly stopped the record, dipped my phone into my pocket, picked up my binoculars and got down from the tower. Swiftly, I ran to my car and just as I was about to get in I saw a car with its headlights glimmering ahead in the middle of the road. I was shocked to see It was Mr Rooney's car but managed to pull myself together and hide any sort of expression or imbalance that would raise suspicion. He pulled in, came down from his car and walk up to me. "what are your doing here pretty?", he asked with a smile. "I came to hang around the shore with my friends but I just drove in now and none of them seem to have arrived. Right now I want to pick up some stuffs at the supermarket nearby before they do. You? ",I asked calmly. "I am heading for an excutive meeting at Saint Street.", he replied, then took a look at his watch and indicated he was already going late but just as I was about to bid him farewell he saw the binoculars I was holding in my right hand. "what is that for?", he asked curiously. "This? Emm I zoom into farther areas beyond using this. I never go for sightseeing, hiking or any forms of adventure without my binoculars", I said confidently with my finger pointing at the skyline. "It seems you would be having so much fun afterall" he said with tint of smile on his face which I returned hoping he would just leave. His eyes moved to the shore and then he said "it really cool out here. Have great fun kid". As he got into his car I watched him drive off but couldn't see past the side widow of his car because it was tinted. I didn't know what to think about the entire conversation we had but I had this belief that he didn't know I lied to him and wasn't aware that I had been following him. Shaking those thoughts of mine off I got into the car. Placed my binoculars and phone on the seat adjacent to the driver's seat. Just as I was about to turn on the ignition someone pointed a gun at my temple from the side and told me to step out of the car slowly. I raised my hand up and came down from the car as instructed. They were four men in ragged clothing with unkempt hair. They all looked unwholesome, smelt awful and made vulgar expressions. Only one of them were apparently armed. They took all the money that I had on me and knocked me to the ground with a punch when I tried to oppose them. Recovering from the knock I got up to my feet and saw there were already driving away in my car. I chased after the car shouting aloud to them that all I needed was my phone but they never stopped. My eyes was fixed on the car as it moved down the road in frustration. As I watched on hoping they would just stop the car exploded. I stood still as the car tumble down the road in fire and stopped right at the dump post. I couldn't believe what had just happened. It would have been me dead in that car. I felt the weight of it all come upon me. I fell to my knees as I tried to think about what actually caused the explosion. Mr Rooney during our conversation must have planted a micro explosive device on my car when I looked out at the shore but until now I never thought him to be that clever. I reckoned if he is responsible for this then he knew I had been following him and if that is true of him then he must be up to something worse than I thought. I remembered my dad saying his parents were once agents of the CIA but he chose not to follow their steps as they were executed as a punishment for secretly given out vital information to the enemies for a huge token. Dad never knew such bad trait runs in the blood of his P. A. If the P. A accepted a suitcase loaded with money then what is the money for? He must have been paid for a task yet to be carried out or one already carried out. Rather than thinking further about all that happened I decided to find a lift home as soon as possible so that I can tell my parents all that happened and why Mr Rooney shouldn't be trusted anymore and also warn them about the danger that was ahead. Thinking about my lost phone was quite frustrating but I believe with the evidence of the car explosion I could talk my dad into taking my words more seriously.
I got home and was shattered when I got the news of my parents involment in a motor accident together with my siblings. They were in the same car heading back home from the mall. It appeared to be a natural accident as reported in the news but I knew it was premeditated. Having been announced as the only living child of my father. Condolences came from multitudes of people for the huge loss. Family and well wishers visited to commiserate. Mr Rooney came visiting and kept on comforting my grandmother. All through his stay he kept pretending as if he knew nothing about the entire incidence. I felt like pouring down on him and hitting him on the face with a pistol till his brain pops out. I had intense hatred and bitterness for him. However I manage to pull myself together for the time being. As he was about leaving he walked up to where I was sitting at the bay window. "I know you feel broken right now dear. The death of loved ones is too much to handle but you must be strong especially for the sake of your grandmum. I know it won't be easy but I would want you to get over this and continue living a normal life as soon as possible for you are a young girl with a bright future and I won't want that future to be darkened in grief and deep-seated pain. Your parents were great people and have worked very hard throughout the past years to get to this level of prominence, wealth and prestige. I would like you to make them proud by living that same life out and making an endeavor to go further than they did. I will be coming to visit you every week to ensure that you are provided with everything you need to live your mark to the full". He leaned forward to ascertain if i was listening as I never turned to look at him. "thank you", I replied as he stretched out his hand for a tap. He took his hand back and nodded as he turned to take his leave. I got down from the bay window in deep rage and was about to confront him when the cry of my grandmum pervaded the room. I then ran to comfort her with a heavy heart.
All happened so soon that I couldn't even save my parents and siblings from the deadly plan of the wicked. I never knew they would go too extreme as they did and now the police isn't an option as I have no solid evidence with which I could bring them to justice. And it was way too risky to place such heavy allegations against them without a valid proof. I therefore took it upon myself to bring them to justice by making them say the truth in acceptance for a less stringent punishment of a life sentence with hard labor or kill them on refusal to speak the truth. It was a dicey plan but I was absolutely prepared for it.
The man in my dream must be my father trying to tell me about the danger ahead "There would be no better sign than this. This is the third nightmare I was put to death in. I either stand to my feet and fight like a man would or watch myself die like my parents and siblings. The mountain has been set ablaze by volcanoes. I see hot larva pouring down upon them slowly. The price for the life they took must be paid. I am the only one that stands in their way and they all know this and that is why they are coming for me. An escape from my wrath they seek. But an escape they will never get hold of. They took my family away from me for wealth and power. They took all I ever valued in life out of greed but now they can vouch for their own death for their evil deeds shall not be left unvisited". I stood up to my feet, got into my shoes not minding to change the soaked shirt and grime jean I wore , took hold of my bag and sniper case and exited my room setting off to send the devils home..
© Maxix