

Death Note
The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street', it read. But who was it from? I sat there wondering. I decided there had to be some kind of misunderstanding. For what could someone get even if they blackmailed me. After all a bankrupt lawyer with a suspended licence was as good as 'A pool with no water in it'. Right now I had no choice but to do what the letter said for I knew I could watched someone.

When I head to the corner of the street what I found there wasn't surprising for I was expecting something like it. There was a briefcase, too my surprise it was locked. I tried looking around for some clues but nothing. Suddenly to my surprise a voice came from the garbage can near by. There lay a radio there, what a smart man I said to myself. The unknown voice uttered a few numbers, I very well knew that it was the code for the briefcase.

What I saw inside was most shocking there lay proof of all the crimes of the top five businesses tycoons. Someone wanted me to take them out for them. I knew this would take away my suspension on my licence. This was my opportunity.

On number five was to my extreme surprise was the owner of a grocery store. He had gambling racket in his store. In the briefcase there also lay a note do not try to get help from the police. When I read that I was in for a shock but I knew how to deal with such people. I went to the man as business, I said to him "I wish to buy your store, and everything in it. I mean everything, I hope you understand what I mean." I sure to record the conversation. As the spiiled the beans of how much his store was worth I simply backed out. I now had proof that he was carrying too muchb enough dough. Enough proof to put him in.

But now would not be the time to send the proof to court. I need evidence on all five of them. On number four was a mall manager I used the very same technique and I was out with proof. When it came to number three it was a ceo of a small company, I now had to try some other technique here. I decided to offer him forty percent of a fake company which I built over night and with a couple of drinks he began to talk. Number two was a multi tycoon owner I showed him my deal with his friend and he was ready to talk.
Now when it came to number one the person who controlled everything things became difficult. But after months of convincing and lots of drinking he too spoke his share.

Now was the time to all of them down in a single blow. As I filed cases against all of them for tax evasion and fraud. I'd already provided the court with proof. There was no chance of them being saved. Or so I thought they all just drove to court signed and left. I just couldn't understand what had happened.
I asked his hounr what was going on. Why was he not pressing charges. It seemed they were backed by someone very powerful.

The moment they left I got a call "Wellcome to group, seems like I'd underestimated you. I wish to meet you. Meet me at Rogers place" Roger was the number one in list he wanted me to go to his place I was all confused.

Gathering courage I arrived at his mansion and rung the door bell. Roger greeted me in there was no anger nothing "Someone wishes to meet you" I noded in reply he took me to me to his lounge. There he introduced me to Shane, he explained "We friends we all have this game every year we add a member to the group and remove one" after saying that. Shane the grocery store owner "You get what I mean?" he asked "So welcome to the group"

©Prince Parulekar
