

Land of the Dead Volume 1 Part 6
The corporal ran through the labrynth of caves for what seemed like hours until they reached a point with branching paths. The sound of inhuman growls echoed from multiple directions causing him to hesitate. If he chose poorly and got in trouble, who's to say that the ensuing firefight wouldn't attract other creatures from the diverging paths. Making it easy to flank him. He pondered in what action to take before remembered his prisoner. He glanced at David with a look of contemplation before letting out a sigh of resignation. Followed by unceremoniously dropping him into the cold cavern floor and getting a loud yelp from the young rebel.

David glared at his captor only to see the latter pull out a knife and cut his bindings. "There is no way we can go through here by ourselves. So here's the deal. We'll call a temporary truce and help one another escape from our current predicament. In return, I'll ask my leader to give you a headstart when we get to safety. Should be a fair enough chance to go back to your hideout, no? " the corporal stated as the rest of his bindings came of. David thought about the proposition. He was clearly safer with the corporal than braving the dangers lurking in the caves alone. However, there wasn't much guarantee that the Pathfinders will honor their end of the deal once they get to safety. But it was still more promising than his chances of survival if we goes alone. And so he nodded.

The corporal nodded with approval before handing David a pistol and a few of its magazines. "The name is Reyes. Corporal Reyes." he said while extending a hand. "David" David replied as he shook the other's hand. Not much else was said as the two unlikely allies began their trek through the caves. After a quick discussion they picked the path leading right as it was going in the general direction to the Fort. Without David encumering him, Reyes was now able to move much easier as he utilised his Pathfinder training to advance as stealthily as possible. David wasnt a slouch either. As someone growing in a province where the main trade was hunting, he was fairly adept at stealth. Moreover, when the war had begun, several retired soldiers had offered to train the young rebels.

About 15 minutes later, they encountered the first waves of hostiles. They were walking through a rather narrow path when a small group of corrupted civilians, miners judging by their clothes, came stumbling at the duo. Reyes didn't waste any time as he fired his trench gun. The resulting spray of pellets hit several of them, making gaping holes where their bodies used to be and even amputating them. David shot the remaining stragglers, aiming at their heads as it seemed to kill them with a single bullet. The fight ended as quickly as it began as the pair stood over the remains of their attackers.

"How much ammo do we have left?" David asked as he suddenly realised something. Reyes stared at him before mentally counting to himself. "Around 50 trench gun rounds for me. And I have you at least 60 pistol ammo. Why do you ask?" Reyes replied.

"Well who knows how many of those things are down here. Shouldn't we conserve our ammunition?" David asked. "What else can we do? We don't know how this affliction is spreading. If we attack them with our fists or even knives, we might contract it through their blood or those disgusting growths on them." Reyes replied. "How about those mining equipments? Surely you can throw those pickaxes hard enough to kill them right?"

"Well... Its worth a shot" Reyes said as he pick up a pair of pickaxes like they weighed nothing. David looked around and in the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar crate. "Reyes" he said before motioning toward the crate. The two of them then walk to the crate before opening it. Their eyes seemed to gleem in joy as they saw its contents. "Looks like ours chances of survival has increased tenfold." Reyes chuckled.

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