

The Horror Nightmare-Part-5
NOTE:-Must read the previous parts.

RECAP:-Kathy's phone was ringing.

It was George on call.


GEORGE:-Hey!Why didn't you come to college today?I was missing you,baby!.

KATHY:-I have a high fever.

GEORGE:-You don't take care of yourself.
You will bother me a lot after marriage.
(George started laughing by saying this.)

KATHY:-Finish studying first and do a good job, then think of marriage.Hahaha.

GEORGE:- Why are you speaking like parents?Hahahahahaha. but I like it.

After talking for a while, Kathy hangs up the phone.Spends time, it becomes night.Kathy sleeps with her mother after having dinner.
She has nightmares for a few days, that is why she does not want to sleep alone.

Almost a week has passed.
Kathy does not have a bad dream.
She is now happy as before, and gets back into her routine.
Kathy's birthday was two days later.She was excited for this.

Stella was thinking what to give her this time on her birthday.
George was also planning something to surprise Kathy.

Now will anything happen on Kathy's birthday?

This part ends with this question.

Thank you guys!
Stay safe,and keep reading.