

Biting The Bullet (short thriller)
In the 1920s lies the brown smooth dirt roads of a small town of Carmel, Californa. In a place called Monetery, at a dining table sat a lonely wealthy doll. She was a doll infact, all the fellas were in love with the pearls and cut throat attitude. Bright red lipstick and Shiny white pearls were drawn to the mens eyes. Everytime a Gentleman came up to flirt her words were "Butt me, she would have a smoke with the gentlemen small chit chat . After their friendly chit chat the fella would say lets go elsewhere she would say "Go chase yourself. The fellas would walk from the table in pitiful sorrow. Not just anyone could even get close to winning her heart. She was the sophisticated bearcat that turned down 4 engagements. Charlise anne Clayborn knew what was good for her or did she? could anyone chisel the ice off her heart?

One evening at the Monetery everything would change in the game of poker. A Gentleman came and sat at the Monetery. Charlise saw at the corner of her eye a dark and grooming man with black tuxedo. His hair was nicely slicked back, he was a player alright. Mr. John wells he goes by. Young and thriving he was a daunty player. He pulled put a flask a quietly drank. He slipped the flask in suit.

As he turned his head he saw the infamous stunning Charlise he wanted to have some fun. He sat in a seat next to her. "Whats the count?"He asked. "What are you talking about?" Charlise said. She took a sip of her drink."How many of us have you turned down? He asked her. She looked at his green hazy eyes. "More than I can count. She laughed. He pulled out a shiny gold coin of heads and tails. "Do you want to play a game of truth and deceit?" He asked. "Butt me , Let's play" Charlise said. She kissed his cheek. Red lipstick stained his cheek on the right. He gently took her hand and kissed it."Ladies first" he said. She flipped the coin. "Heads , where are you from ?" "I was born and raised from San Fransico," he answered. "Where are you from?". "Riverdale", Charlise answered as she took a puff. He flipped the coin . "Heads again, what is your deepest regret? He asked. She stared in the distance turned her head , a tear slid down her cheek. "Not being able to prevent my brothers murder." She took a hankerchief and dried her cheek. "What is your deepest regret? Charlise asked. "I lost the love of my life through seperation , money cannot buy happiness", He said. Stoic with Brilliance Charlise thought to herself. They got side tracked talked about childhood stories how when John was a young boy he fell into a well.

She flipped the coin ."Heads, How is your wealth who are you really? Charlise asked. He moved the strands of her brown hair and whispered in her ear "Im a ganster." She felt chills go up and down her arms. "I couldnt have guessed " She said. She blew another puff. "I think you would be lovely for my empire he said. He kissed her neck soflty, she was mesmerized. "Ill put around my ride, he escorted her with his arms around her and walked out into the night. She was breathless.

As the shiny Black Hudson 7 roadster pulled around. John lit a cigar, he tipped the young gentleman. No one was around now he politely grabbed the door hand for the passenger seat. As he grabbed the door handle he heard the cock of a gun to his ear. "You didnt think it was that easy,' Charlise whispered. "Why did you kill my brother Andrew,"she asked. John Wells was in shock but he laughed."Okay bearcat, you caught me", he said. "That scrawny Kid brother of yours was a witness to the Capone drug deals, he saw me pull the trigger on someone and he was gonna tell the police around the corner." "You despicable pig, she sobbed angrily. "Want to kill me go ahead, you'll be a cold blooded killer like me,Al Capone will know he's watching,"John said. "Just you," she said. She pulled the trigger. His body face first hit the ground like a grain of salt. Blood spooled in a lake around him. His blood smeared against the windows and door of the passenger seat. Out of the shadows came detective Mark. She picked up his cigar and took a puff. Mark wrapped his arms around her waist,"It's over darling". He kissed her cheek. She turned around and hugged him."Andrew was too young to die, but now that I found his killer justice was made." "The notorious Johnny Wells,"Andrew finished. Soon the police arrived. Andrew spoke to police investigators. "Let's go home," Andrew said. They drove off into the starry night.