

Chapter 1

Amelia's heart raced as the acrid scent filled the air in Stoughville. Panic seized the town, but little did they know, an unseen terror lurked within those invisible fumes. It started subtly, whispers of strange occurrences and unexplainable behavior. As a journalist, I couldn't resist investigating.

The first signs appeared when Mrs. Thompson, the sweet old librarian, attacked her neighbor with an unnerving hunger in her eyes. I began connecting the dots, realizing this leak wasn't just any ordinary leak. People were changing, devolving into primal, cannibalistic monsters. Fear gripped the town tighter than the scent itself.

In my pursuit of the truth, I uncovered a clandestine laboratory where experiments gone awry had birthed this monstrous transformation. The government's secret project had spiraled out of control, infecting the unsuspecting citizens. My journalistic instincts kicked in; I had to expose the truth, save Stoughville.

As the town descended into chaos, I raced against time to gather any evidence.I could. The monsters were multiplying, and the once familiar faces now haunted my nightmares. The leak was a catalyst for a nightmare none of us could have ever imagined.

© Brian C. Jobe