

I didn't fall n love with you
I didn't fall in love with you out of desperation,
Or to fill a void or seek validation.
I didn't need someone to make me complete,
Or rely on you for my own happiness to meet.

When you came into my life, everything shifted,
The colors seemed brighter, the darkness uplifted.
The laughter was sweeter, the tears not as bitter,
In your presence, my heart felt lighter.

It wasn't about finding a partner or a lover,
I simply couldn't deny the connection we discovered.
It felt like destiny, a cosmic alignment,
A love so pure, so genuine, so divine.

You saw me for who I truly am,
Embracing every flaw, every quirk, every jam.
And that acceptance, that unwavering belief,
Made me fall for you, beyond any relief.

I fell in love with your kindness and care,
Your gentle touch, your unwavering stare.
I fell in love with the warmth of your smile,
The way your eyes sparkled, making life worthwhile.

It wasn't about longing or seeking perfection,
But the way you loved me, without any hesitation.
I fell in love with your passion and drive,
Your unwavering support that made me thrive.

So, I didn't fall in love with you out of need,
But because your presence fulfilled a deep seed.
I fell in love with you for who you are,
A soul so beautiful, a shining star.

In this dance of love, we found solace and strength,
Two souls intertwined, sharing every wavelength.
I didn't fall in love with you because I had to,
But because, my love, I simply couldn't resist you.
© cynfully