

Those devils danced through the night with an intensity and fervor that would exhaust a renowned athlete. With such passion, Johannes lifted his golden haired beauty into the air. Delilah giggled and threw explosive balls of energy into the sky. Once the balls of energy reached thirty meters in the air they ignited when a deep boom, the blast caused the treetops to sway this way and that. Each step they took a small pyre spawned underneath their feet. Before them laid a ruined forest of blackened timbers and ash covered grass. Fires raged in contrast to their childish smiles and gayful laughs, two beings not of this world but in a world of their own. Faintly Johannes heard glass-shattering screams causing him to lose his rhythm and letting Delilah fly into the air. She panicked and hurled her body back into the earth, causing a fracture in the ground. Now the Firewalkers are aware of how their carelessness has ravaged the once lush land, they share a great despair and fear of what will happen. Johannes grabbed Delilah's hand and they rushed through the inferno that was momemts agotheir dance hall. They reached their village to only see the ruin they have caused. Homes set ablaze, crop fields left smoldering, the faces of their friends--oh the horrors they seen. Such disturbing sights these Firewalkers witnessed should never be relived. They looked around in every direction and saw only destruction their love caused. They knew not of this unprecedented disaster and gazed at each other in a silent recognition. To atone for their folly, they held each other tightly until their flames caused a terrifying explosion, causing this whole affair to disappear as if it never happened at all.