

We could probably write dozens of books, articles and memoirs about this wonderful day popularly known as mothers day. Almost every activity comes to a stand still when this day is celebrated. For us in this part of the world, it begins with the church. Not only are announcements made and preparations made, there is room for it in the calendar of every church. Here we give it more priority than placing food on the table.

There are rumours some wome shorten their budgets so as to make room for contributions in preparation for this particular day. Well its effect is gradually loosing significance. Perhaps because some of us pay little or no attention to it. The day is ordinarily now, as compared to many years ago. Now parents look at their children and wonder weather they made the mistakes or genetics failed. Eventhough the love of a child cannot be forgotten, the society kind unintentionally prevents good things from happening to most children.

The world is in turmoil and is fighting back at almost everything. Is she angry with humanity and its decisions or the very existence of man is loosing its significance? Was dominance misconstrued to mean destroy everything on our path or perhaps cause the extinction to that which keeps the human race alive? Many are the questions and assumptions but what we see and observe isn't far from the truth. From climate change to the meare having an honest and heart to heart conversation with a friend, you certainly can't look at anyone in the eye and say all is well.

So we have become experts in living in the multiverse we we have created for ourselves. Not long ago, the mention of this word meant nothing but now its more a reality than ever. Was humanity designed to fail or we chose failure for ourselves? Well I prefer the latter, for with it we also stand the chance of refusing to fail. In addition to that, let those so much interested in failure embrace it and those for the latter do theirs. I guess no matter the choice, you can't have both.

Thus mothers, we cherish and adore you but kindly put your heart's at rest and forget this day. Perhaps you might say with a little more faith all shall be well. Well that is the absolute truth but look at the present generation of individuals and you are sure to conclude that they are no longer in tune with our times.
