

EP 5 She was convinced
Lisa opened her eyes when the car was driving by itself. She saw Michelle was sitting beside her. " Who the hell permitted you to bring me with you," Lisa said. "I love you baby can't you understand how much I love you. You are the moon of my life. " Michele said. " I don't need your extravagant life or even these cars. You are nothing to me but a boss of the Addison Group Company( AGC ) ". Michele put the curtains down and kissed her forcefully. " Why are you doing this? Can't you understand I don't love you?" ' Why are you wasting time on me? Other girls can easily melt off for your handsome face and luxurious life but for me it's useless. " she said. " I love you only for your this attitude personality," Michele said. " These qualities are not present in other girls. They also need a lavish life. " Michele started talking about his childhood memories. Lisa also started to listen quietly. " When I was small at the age of 8 my parents got separated and divorced. I was only the son of my parents. Yes, I had a 4-year-old sister Christine but she died of lung disease. I never had a happy and pleasant family. But now I am independent and wanted to marry you." Lisa was a little shocked, astonished and angry. "I got to know your problem but I do need time and some conditions to marry you. " Michelle told ' It's ok, I am going to accept all your conditions. He said " But yes you also have to sign my terms. " Lisa agreed but she told that she doesn't want to do it now. Michele became a little happy and satisfied because at least he could make Lisa convinced. What will happen next? I am going to share it soon. 👋 Byeeeee..
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