

when you look someone in the eyes what do you see do you see that y'all are meant to be or do you just see them for who they are for me I just get to know somebody before I think about what they're going to do or how they're going to be in life because if I want to choose the right one and I'm going to choose the one that's going to be sweet and kind and one that treats me right and I have one that changed me right he is kind of sweet but he can get into fights I still love him but we kind of argue sometimes either way I still have them if not his kind of gets on my nerves but you need someone that gets on your nerves I mean he does but I forgive him he is a kind man and I would love to have him back but I don't so sometimes you don't forgive them you just move on with their life and never think about them again and no matter what you do you always get another one or you would just be single like I am right now but I was happy and now I'm even more happy because I'm single you can never know until you find the right choice you're single or dating someone and for me I'm just dating someone can't choose if you want to live with someone or you don't but I had to love myself first I never knew it so I experienced it that I had to love myself first and not him so you got to experience how it looks in life you cannot just assuming it's going because in reality it probably is not good you got to learn more that is not about goodness it's about you and how you want to live your life it's like you choose everything you want to do in life like sometimes you cannot always choose by yourself you got to let someone help you like my mom she had this perfect girl alive set up for me but I don't want to live the life that she wants me to live that's why I told my mom that let me live my life the way I want it it's my life and I said to her that I'm sorry that your life didn't turn out good for you I am I'm really am sorry but I made her cry and I just gave her a hugs and hugs and I said I'm sorry but you know it really is my life and I get to choose how my life is going to turn out matter how good or bad it turns out I still am happy sometimes I'm not it depends what you choose for your life 😉😊♥️❤️