

Skala Maria
I look out at the sea from our balcony at Skala Maria. It's so beautiful to look out across the ocean with just the misty blue and grey before me. It's early morning and the sun's not ready to share any rays of happiness yet and make the sea glisten.
There's only a little sleepy banter from the neighbouring people. It feels so fresh and clear and with that quiet Sunday vibe.
The guy in the next appartment has opened his doors to enjoy the morning too. He constantly clears his throat and coughs out tar from years of smoking I presume?
Six floors up it feels as if I can look out like a god from the sky.
but of course a very humble god.
I wonder if I were a humble god what magic I could perform on this spiritual Sunday? Where would I start? Some magic on myself first as I'm a little selfish like most people. My selfish magic wants me to feel healthy, loved and cherished in my coming years but who knows? I suppose I'm feeling like I'm blowing out the candles.
We pack out bags ready to leave Sunset appartments to visit the place of the holy - The Monestary of the Archangel Michael
We can see the beauty of the place as the road bends round the coast edge. It stands out like a magical palace and as we arrive many people are heading through the gates for the majestic sight or for healing or spiritual enlightenment. All the ladies are handed skirts to cover their clothes and the men pass straight through. Then there's the queue for messages for God. The nun shouts out " You can only write if you are Orthadox" Her face is stern and angry and her looks make the crowd hurry through. I'm not feeling the love of any God and I'm keen to remove the skirt and to go to a place with an easy, welcoming feel. It has seemed harsh to reprimand those writing words that are clearly special to them.

We then travel to the Archeological site at Aliki. It's peaceful and I take photos from where I sat to sketch the lansdscape a year before. Had the place changed? I suspected that very little had changed but thought had I?
On this trip I'd tried to be peaceful and conform to expectations and appreciate all the views and now this peace had taken over me. I felt alone in my own space, not knowing how I'd feel when I reflect on my time in Scala Maria? Looking out at the the views now makes me want to return to what is always familiar. Even though there's beauty everywhere here I do miss my home town and the people I know. A town where I am comfortable in my home and confident in my skin. I realised today that I wished had I a godly power that I could fly safely home, even though it's a place where the sun and sea won't be my daily view.

© Lola