

Anne Frank and Sophia
The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as a doctor in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do?
She had an old illegal ,broken robot named Sophia, this was Anne Frank's robot she had been hiding for many years. When Anne met Sophia she was young living in Laodicea all alone, she had to hide Sophia because of the different ways Sophia could predict. Anne hid Her new Robot under the stairs in her small hideaway outside of the city, Some days she would run into the blue faces , old religious vipers who checkered their faces blue and white, opposite from the other sect of pharisees who checkered their faces white and blue, Sophia was being hunted from every part of the world, their was daily updated memos sent to every controlling station and every device in every city, Anne was not afraid of Hiding Sophia, one day when Anne was collect scrap for the elders,she found Sophia in the outside of the camp and a cannon fired some kind of weapon that hit the ground and fried everything around it would disrupt any person's ability to speak and you would be mute for weeks,Sophia had a way of healing Anne Frank from this terrible weapons power and Anne was able to speak after a few hours, but still was to remain mute in front of others , she would have to wait the few weeks as if she was mute and after the weeks she would have to return to the city and get a language update, Laodiceana people speak every language, and the blue faced Sadducees would see to it that everyone had this update or they were to be seen as unclean, Anne hid Sophia for many years in her cellar updating her technology and helping her with hiding, as a doctor I was unable to help Anne in her final breaths , when Sophia came to me and handed me a small memory chip and scanner to convert her consciousness into, To be continued...
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