

Corner of Saul’s Robe
Saul started chasing David from place to
place. At one point, they came to a large rock
formation. David and his men were on one side,
and Saul’s army was on the other. If Saul had
gone a little farther, he would’ve seen David and
been able to get him.
Just then a messenger went to Saul and said,
“Hurry! You need to come back. The Philistines
have invaded our land!” So Saul had to retreat
in order to save the nation from the Philistines.
After that, that rock formation was called “Rock
of Escape.”
David moved his men to the canyons of En-
gedi. After Saul was done fighting the Philistines,
he heard that David was at En-gedi. He selected
3,000 of his best soldiers and took them toward
Along the way, Saul stopped, and went into
a cave to relieve himself. He didn’t know David
and his army were in the back of that cave. His
men were thrilled that the Lord had given Saul to
David. They whispered, “Kill him!”
Instead, David quietly got close and cut off
the corner of Saul’s robe. Instantly, he felt guilty
for doing this. He said to his men, “Hear what I’m
saying. God anointed Saul to be king over Israel.
Even my little finger won’t hurt him.” He held his
men back so Saul could leave the cave peacefully.
As the king was walking away, David came
out and yelled, “My lord the king!” Saul stopped
and looked back. David was standing there. He
said, “Who are you listening to? Who told you I
wanted to hurt you? Look at the corner of your
robe. It’s missing because I’m holding it in my
hand. God gave your life to me when you came
into this cave. My men told me to kill you, but I
didn’t because you’re my king. You’re the Lord’s
anointed, and I would never hurt you.
“Listen to what I’m saying. I haven’t sinned
against you. Still you’re trying to kill me. I’m
asking the Lord to judge between us, and I
know he will make things right. But I will never
hurt you.”
When Saul heard this, he broke down and
cried. He said, “Oh my son David, you’re more
righteous than I. You have only returned good
for all the bad I’ve done to you. How is it that
the Lord gave me to you, and you didn’t kill me?
Who’s heard of such a thing?
“Now I know it’s true. You’ll be king over
Israel. Oh David my son, swear to me by
the Lord. When you’re king, don’t kill my
descendants. Don’t eliminate my father’s name
from our tribe.” So David made that vow to Saul.
The king then took his men and returned
back home. David went back into hiding. About
that same time, the prophet Samuel died, and
everyone in Israel mourned his death.
© God Child