

Daily Life of Takara Yuuji 2
**This story is written in Japanese style writing, so full names will be written with last names before the first**

[If you haven't already, please read the first story before reading this one! :)]

Chapter 1, After school:

It's always very eventful after schools for Yuuji. First, he would go pick Aki up from her day care, then they would go grocery shopping for dinner. After that, they would go home and Yuuji will make dinner while Aki plays. When dinner is done, Aki and Yuuji will go to pick Izumi up from her after school club (she joined the kendo, soccer, and basketball, and baseball club ). Then, when they get home, they will have dinner before going out for a little play time in the park. Finally, they will come back home and take showers, do their homework, and get ready for bed. Yuuji will read Aki a bedtime story. Since it's already so eventful after one day of school, you can't imagine what it must be like on the weekends.

Chapter 2, This weekend:

Instead of having the usual stay home routines for the weekend, this weekend the siblings had a more eventful time then they already did. You see, this weekend, Izumi had a camp for one of her clubs, to be more specific, it was her soccer club. The coach took them to the mountains for a 'special training'. You might think that things would be calmer since one of the siblings is gone, but it was actually quite the opposite. Things got a little.... out of hand. Before, Yuuji could ask Izumi to take care of Aki for a bit while he went out shopping, or doing daily errands, but now, he had to take Aki everywhere! At first, Yuuji thought that it would be better just to stay home with Aki, but Aki was getting a bit tired of staying home, so Yuuji went out shopping for clothes with her.

Chapter 3, At the Mall:

When Yuuji and Aki got to the mall, they went straight to the kid's clothes section. Yuuji helped Aki pick out her clothes, and they got 3 outfits. After that, as a treat, Yuuji bought Aki an ice-cream. When Aki was done eating, they went to the little petting station to look at the animals. After that, the two if them went to a job interview that Yuuji had signed up for. While one of the workers there took care of Aki outside, Yuuji did the interview inside one of the rooms. Yuuji needed to get a part-time job because he needed to start paying for more things soon. He couldn't just rely on his relatives forever. Yuuji chose to work in a restaurant because he thought that he could he a waiter there.
After the interview, Aki and Yuuji went home.
The next day, Yuuji got a message that he was employed, and they asked him to start work that night. So, Yuuji left Aki in the care of a babysitter and left for work.

Chapter 4, Coincidence:

As Yuuji started his new job, he was doing pretty well. While Yuuji was serving one of his customers, the babysitter walked in with Aki, as her shift was over, and handed the baby to Yuuji. As she left, a group of Yuuji's classmates walked in and saw Yuuji serving one of customers while holding a baby in his hand. They took a picture of it and posted it on social media. After that, they left to eat at a different restaurant. Yuuji didn't even notice his classmates coming in, or leaving.
The next day, Izumi came back, so Yuuji and Aki had to pick her up from school. On their way back home, some of Yuuji's classmates from last night spotted him again and took a picture, posting it on social media.

Chapter 5, Popularity rises:

The next day at school, Yuuji gets surrounded by a crowd of students as soon as he gets into his classroom. One of his classmates asked him,
"Yuuji, who are these kids? How do you know them?"
Surprised by the sudden crowd and the pictures of his siblings, Yuuji replies,
"They are my siblings."
Doubting his answer, the classmate continues to question him saying,
"Really? Then, why are you picking them up from school, not your parents?"
Yuuji sighed, and thought to himself;
{I knew this was going to happen, but why did it have to come so soon?}
He replied by saying, "My parents died last month so I have to take care of my siblings myself."
After lots of questioning, they finally gave up, and left him alone.
That night, Yuuji and his siblings had a good night's rest after a tiring weekend.

It was an eventful weekend, and there were some misunderstandings, but it all ended well.