

Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of space, Cosmic Being had a mission: to spread life throughout the galaxies. To do this, Cosmic Being used a truly unique approach; a legion of tiny swarm robots, which it had created from its own essence.

These robots were small and efficient, and their mission was vast: to seed the far reaches of the universe with the spark of life. Each of the microscopic creations held within them a single miniscule fragment of the Cosmic Being, so that wherever they went, a part of the Cosmic Being went with them.

The robots were sent off in small, organized units, each with specific instructions about where to go and what to do. It was a mission that demanded both speed and accuracy, and Cosmic Being knew the robots could be trusted to succeed.

The robots flew through space, creating livable environments in distant worlds that were void of life. They studied each planet carefully, adjusting their mechanisms as needed so that whatever they built was in perfect balance.

Soon, new forms of life began to take hold, galaxies that were once barren were now teeming with a cornucopia of species and elements. The Cosmic Being watched in amazement as its creation.
© Cosmicbeing