

Things we need to realise~
She was like sitting there having her time alone she spoke just a few gentle words to the person but there was no one right? Then where did the person come from? Wait I am telling you where the person came suddenly. It was an illusion.. her mind was playing with her. You know she was so used to staying with people that even if she is alone she felt presence around her. Was it good? In some cases it was and in some it was horrific. So here are the words she spoke,

"The fragrance of Flower is loved by all,
The Sunset is loved by all,
The snowfall is loved by all,
But who is there to adore the simplicity within you and me?
Is there anyone who would acknowledge the true beauty?
Everyone just says they love aesthetics,
But do they really know its meaning?
It means the true and inner beauty but do we really think so?
Do we realise what we are actually doing,
It's so simple that we don't really love our nature.
We just keep on littering them and then we say we love our country. Isn't hypocrisy that we talk about?
You know these world just selfish and selfless at times when they are in need.
We all think about our needs but never the emotions.
It was never emotions what we had acknowledged but how the person will benefit us was in our mind while we talked with them?
There's really no one in this world to be with anyone unconditionally.
Even a child is bound to stay with their mother for their sake or mother's sake. It is always one or another.
God knows what we are really sowing into the depths, because if the sown seeds will get ripen then the blast it would've which we can't even imagine about it..
One day there will be a time when every person in this world will be lonely, because we are making it.
The number of motivational speakers are very less, even the youths are depressed or are stressed. It reason might be anything like there studies, family issues, employment issues, love life and many more. But do we ever do anything to lessen that?
We just increase it, by coming the same category and we talk about changing the world. Ironic much, isn't it?
Why don't we think about our surroundings and do accordingly?
Why don't we chose things wisely, especially the words we utter, Actually these world had been dead and the reason our we humans.
You know these world is getting hollow with no forest, we are doing it ourselves, we are doing it for shelter or whatever reasons but the deforestation is something we aren't understanding. We are being to selfish. We are destroying the homes of other living organisms to get shelter and that's not humanity, is it?
Do we ever consider other organisms are friends? Do we ever consider that we are made ashraf-ul-makhlukat for this so we can destroy others native? How would we feel if the animals would stay in our house for shelter, how would we feel if the climbing trees or the trees with deep tap roots surround our house and engulf them?
We will suffocated right? Then don't they would feel the same?
We can speak, talk and ask for help or stand for our rights but what about those?
They can't even speak the thing of asking help or standing for rights are far away.
Please be a human and show humanity and kindness.
Don't be heartless.
We are complaining of these abnormal weather's like we don't get this much hot during summer but why are we burning now and it is not even the hottest month of the year came yet we are feeling these heat waves.. isit because of other living organisms or us?
Isn't it us who are deliberately destroying the world slowly, slowly.
We are the one making it dead.
Stop being merciless.
Start planting and make the environment clean, and yeah try to stay happy. May Allah help you to realise things which you keep on denying but that's the truth and it cannot be denied the way we do. The world doesn't harm us but we do."

© Shines