

Life as a rollercoaster
Before you step into a rollercoaster you would be made sure of your safety. You would be provided with ample amount of warnings as well as safety equipments. However knowing that those things cannot provide 💯 percent guarantee to your life , You still hop in, in the hope of having new experiences and adventures.
Sometimes it goes up and down , sometimes it stops in between. As you go on , it takes you to a number of terrifying twists and turns. Infusing with fear, you still continue your journey already knowing that there is no going back. And once you finished riding, you would eventually get over the fear and would be like "Excuse me take me to other rides. I am not scared of anything anymore. I can even ride the 'Tower of terror' ".
Likewise, life is also like a rollercoaster. Once you are born , you are taken to a magical world, where occurring of things couldn't be predicted.
Sometimes life gives you pain , sometimes it puts you in utter failures and sometimes it takes away your hopes. Nevertheless in each pain, in each failure, in each despair, it is making you a strong courageous person. Making you well prepared to face any twist and turn.
So in many ways life can be related to a rollercoaster. The only difference between them is it's ending point. In rollercoaster,we can see where it goes and ends . But in latter,it is unknown.It can stop at any moment. So keep that in your mind . Don't make your fears rule you. Life is in fact short . Make it flamboyant. Do whatever you can do right now . Don't lend your ears to any kind of criticism. Always look out for ways to celebrate life and don't forget to help others in need. So when you get old and you dig into your memories, you would be satisfied knowing that you had already done enough to make yourself happy.