

Half Man Half 👹
That Man jumps out the ride to hit
that night life but
It's mostly closed cause Covid 19
but some places are open the food place
with in department stores
yes they open and serving
most days
So he goes in and gets his eats and
takes it with him.
Eating in his car he sees
some drama
So he rolls up the windows and keeps
it moving.
Then he sees a street proformance
of a life time a two man show
a man in a costume
one side a monster
one side a person
and he got a big jar on the ground
So big I don't think we can fill it
in one night you know
But he got skills so he got us laughing
with a mask on.
What you say no stimulus
or way out
Well then I am just going to have to turn
into this the monster and he screams
Will this get me any government help
no but Igor to unleash my pain
So the cops come up to him
do you got a permit
What a permit for street art do you jest
Well I don't I was fired laid off told I can
keep you and as if any of you knows
how that feels
Well I have to give these performances
cause if I don't I will raid into the back
And no one out here will know my story
or what I can bring to the table
if I show them My skills as an artist
In my time of need.
So don't take me away from my corner
no one is mad that I got this space
They filled my hat
So I can at least broke bread and sleep
in a motel some place.
So don't give me any more bad news
for I am handling covid 19 and my blues
So I walk to my car and get in
Then none of the people give me a ticket
for they warned me and I drove away
to another place but it was on fire so
I moved away fast from the flames.
Then I kept driving and found a place
to motel at for the night. So I parked
the car and went in only to see
the motel clerk sawing someone in half
and I run out of there quick my making my escape before they do me the same
I act and am a house hold name
not something to be murdered at the
wrong place wrong time.
My car gets me out of trouble and I
know this.
So I drive all night to another state
maybe I can start over here in this
And bring down the curtain on my new
life. For I am sleepless and am in my car
to proform for my ends until that job market stops being so hard and really starts up again. But in a safe way for
I don't want to take anymore ruff
chances with my life. I will proform
and be six feet away from you but after
I do thank you for paying me as if I were
a streamed movie you found on your
phone tablet or computer.
© Lash