

A greed that made me blind
I was in Love in with fantasy cause in real world there were no one for me. I was happy with myself and a shadow which used to be with me all the time which I named “she”. She was a little like a kid who used to listen to my sorrows and my voice besides my dairy and four walls. I used to talk with it every time I felt lonely but when I used to be with my dairy and music I used to forget about her. She used to accompany me when I used to be in dark room and alone. She had become my best friend to whom I don’t wanted to loose like other friends. At first I was happy with her . When I tried to tell some of my close ones about her, they told me to let her go before it’s too late but I was not ready for that As I was hungry for a friend like her. She used to do whatever I say and listen to me but one thing was only I could see her. Only I had to do was playing with her whenever she ask. Later her behaviour started to irritate me, she didn’t let me sleep at night. Every time she was asking me to play with her and as I am a human I need to take rest at night but she never let me sleep. Because of lack of sleeping, I was acting weird like I was a mental patient. I was saying something but doing something else. I used to speak alone even when she was not around and I started loosing my close friends cause they thought I was mad. Every time I used to see human I was afraid, she made me like that. At last, loosing all my hopes I tried to hang myself but she didn’t let me. So, I started writing poems and diaries which I left a year ago because of her. And because of my habit of writings , it made me so busy that I could ignore her presence and later she disappeared. Sometimes she shows up but I ignore her and indulge myself with other stuff than telling her my sorrows. From this what I got to learn was if I was not hungry for her friendship I would have get rid of her long time ago and if she wouldn’t have saved me I would have lost with my thoughts.....