

Last few weeks were very hard. The incident at the palace made me so embarassed, hence I didn't talked to her for weeks. I didn't even looked at her in the class even if she walks pass by me, I didn't cared to smile.

The days flew by and it was FEB-13 , it was her birthday. So I decided that's enough of been so rude this long I picked up my phone and called her in the morning wished her happy birthday. She seemed so joyful on hearing my voice. After that I went to school .

As it's her special day there was no need for a uniform so she came in a magnificent red frock with glitter here and there. I couldn't stop looking at her .What did she done to her face?it's so bright and GOD! soo..pretty.
She came by my side and held my hand pressed something into my palms and smiled at me then went away. When I looked at it I felt so lovely that she gave me my personal favourites- chocolate sweets.

The class ended at noon . She actually didn't speaked to me after school so I went home and realised that she had messaged me.
I threw my bag away not even undressed the uniform,no shower just to talk to her.

As we chatted i brought up the slap that she gave me that day:
WHY did u do that?
She spoke (with an attitude): 'why were you standing there trying to show of by smokin'up 2 cigarettes'. Were you trying to prove that you are some badass?Is that why you smoked?It isn't good for you..Alex.

I got angery of her speech about me .
I replied: So what if I smoke ...Why do you care?
She replied : Oh it's that so..!then go and do whatever you like I don't care. Its your wish and am not stopping you.
I replied furiously: YAH ! that's what I thought.
We both remained silent for a while. To break the silence I came up with her " dream college boy."(haa! what a frustrated teenage kid am I😒)
She told me that it would be appropriate to share her feelings at valentine's day .(my mind just said-sh*t)

In my mind I knew she never ever gonna be mine now and my hopeless heart got exhausted to tell her my love for her.What would I gain from it?

I really desired to see that dream guy of her and to smack him for doing this to me even if he's some giant I don't care. I don't want her to get harmed in any way and I wanted to say to that guy to STAY AWAY FROM HER!🖤

[To be Continued for the LAST PART]