

The Mafia's Numb Girlfriend ( 1 )


"Hang in there sweetie, mommy's got you"

"Mom? MOMMY!"

I gasp as I clench my blanket on my chest. It was a dream. I look at the window and saw a light.

"It's already morning" I mumbled quietly.

I keep having the same dream ever since that accident. It not unusual but still uncomfortable.

I clean myself and prepared for school today. I need to be early.

I head downstairs and only take a bread for breakfast. Riding my bicycle as I put my bread on my mouth to eat it slowly while I drive.

I saw less students this early morning at the gate.

"Hey, do you think that rumors is true?"
"You mean"
"Yes that one"
"She is beautiful but cold, like an ice queen"

I'm not surprised by their whispers, it became a daily routine in my life to hear them spread it.

"Goodmorning Anna"

I look at the direction where the voice leads, it's Adrian, the school student council president and also, my childhood friend.

"You're always early like a little bird" He chuckled.
"Aren't you busy?" I said it in bluntly.

He is a good friend and a role model to this school, He's always gentle.

"I am indeed busy, I just want to greet you"

I could hear the whispers from the female students fanning over him. I could not blame him. He has a striking appearance like a true prince. Hair as golden as the sun and eyes like a vast sea, along with his soft voice.

"You should go, these girls will definitely get in your way" I signal him with my pupils where the female students hiding.

I can see his disappointed expression, even though he wears a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I don't want to cause trouble with you. I'll get going, see you after school Anna"

I watch him walk away. I'm sorry Adrian but, the Anna you once knew, she's already gone.

I'm in my classroom, sitting on my seat infront of the teacher's table. I relearned the previous lesson everyday. The room getting noiser and noiser until the door slammed open instantly making everyone freeze and look at it.

"Oh no, not them again"

One of my classmates mumble, the group of bullies. They always cause trouble around the school. Now, our class is next for their target.

"Hahahahahaha, Look at their face"
"Scared already? we haven't even started"
"Jake, what's the name of our target?"

I just sit quietly, continue to delve in my notes. Jake, the leader of that groups, because of his grandfather's business blooming. He become arrogant and start bullying the weak.

"Hey you! What's your name?" I look at her. Veronica, one of the group of bullies. I just ignore her and continue to read my notes while my classmates were tremble in fear.

"Yow, isn't this, The Snow queen?"
"Snow? I thought it was Ice"
"What are you two talking about? you know her?"
"Everyone's knows her you dummy"
"Whatever her nickname is, she's not scared of us"

One of them take my notes as I look at my notes being thrown outside the window.

"Pick it up" I commanded as I look at the boy who throws my notes.

"Or what? are you gonna punish me, your majesty"

They laugh it out loud. Jake, who is been quiet for awhile, decided to join them as I saw him smirking at me with mocking eyes.

I stand up on my seat. Walk towards the boy who throws my notes.

"Are you-"

I didn't let him finish his words as I slapped him across the face.

"Pick it up" I commanded again as I look at him with a bruise on his cheek.

"You bitc-" I slapped him again. "One last time, pick it up" I look at him coldly while the others were shocked.

"You bitch! What the heck your doing!?" I avoided Veronica's slap as it landed on the boy's cheek.

Someone suddenly grab my wrist tightly, meeting Jake's playful eyes.

"You're interesting little lamb"
"And your disgusting"

I could hear Jake's laughter throughout the room then suddenly, teachers and the student council president and the student council vice president.

"Tsk! always ruining the fun, see you after class little lamb"

He whispers on my ear before his group and he left the classroom.

"Anna, you-" I silenced him by raising my index finger to my mouth.

He'll know that I don't want rumors spreading again about him.

After the chaotic event, How did I get kidnapped?


© Dreamer

#mafia #romance