

The Unknown [10]
The whistles and sirens along with the wild barking of the hounds reverberated chaotically all over London's cold and damp night. The child in my arms was clinging down to my coat and violently kicking down my waist making me struggle to run a mile not even a couple of feet.

She was crying and wailing pretty bad but there was no other way. Her father, the old man sacrificed himself for me. He knew that he will be arrested and prosecuted probably sentenced to a lifetime or even worse - death. He wasn't afraid cause he was dying inside and he made me promise to take care of her even though I was a criminal, the girl couldn't survive all on her own. The police are so cheap bastards who wouldn't even care for the child of the accomplice. She would have been spared living on the streets eventually ending up in a worse condition than living with a criminal.

The pursuit went on for days then weeks then months. I should say I am amused by their determination to catch the stone-cold culprit. Along the way, Sarah and I got close. She was hesitant at first but gradually she talked so calmly rather than being afraid and speechless. The only friend who I got to talk to for a long time. Her voice seemed so sweet and she always gave me overwhelming pleasantness which was too familiar to me. Even though she was a child of about 8 years old she had a resemblance to the mother I knew. It was surprising to me that I was securing my mother in her vulnerable stage of life. A part of me always insisted and gave me the courage to protect her even if it kills me
"What could have happened to my dad"? a mild voice interrupted me from my thoughts. As I looked down at her face it felt as though she was trying to keep that fake smile on her for days, she was breaking down inside.
I gently gave her a nudge on her shoulders and patted her head, " Your dad is a great man, a good human being and I am honoured that I had a conversation with him. Sarah, you are his treasure and I wouldn't let anything happen to you even if he couldn't be with you"
An indirect answer might have soothed her scars a bit, I thought.

I dozed off for a while after the long-distance that we covered, and I believed that we were safe from the cops as we have left no trail behind. The sun was setting; evening orangish rays of hope were dying down towards a chilly night. The weather was okay and a good breeze stroked through my hair giving me some time to rest a bit.

The rustling of leaves awakened me, and it was nighttime. I wasn't able to see a thing so I waited for my eyes to adjust themselves to the dark and that's when I noticed the girl was missing.
Where did she go? I should not have been careless; I blamed myself.

The night was cold and damp infested with malicious noises. I searched for her for an hour until I found her beside a lake brimming with the reflected moonlight.
She was standing as if she was in a trance staring into the dark depths of the woods, I called out to her and my voice echoed throughout the surroundings.
she didn't even flinch, her gaze still unfazed as it was before. I cautiously approached her so that she wouldn't be alarmed or frightened, gently my hands touched her shoulders and I saw her little face terror-struck for some reason.

I traced her glance towards the woods to find out the reason for this odd behaviour; as I looked, my breath weighed me down to my knees. I felt a sense of terror in my guts, my body began sweating precariously.
Across the lake, I saw apparitions of two people and they felt so familiar.
They were identical to the both of us.

to be CONTINUED...

[It's been a while since I have written the rest of the story, I have been gone to tend to matters of my own. Kindly read the previous chapters to follow up on the story.
Thanks Guys for the support]