

Love between Hatred
Chapter 80 : Shravan and Suman become "Suvan"

Vijay sees Suman looking somewhere else during class and asks where is she looking at. She says nowhere else. Vijay sees Shravan standing and continues class. At night, Bunty brings dinner for Shravan and insists him to have it. Shravan says he is not hungry. Bunty says if he starves himself, uncle will not send him back to class, he is fasting for Suman and she must have enjoyed dinner and must be resting now. Shravan says he is sure his Sumo also must be hungry since morning. On the other side, Beena asks Suman to come down and have dinner as she didn’t have anything since morning. Suman says she is not feeling well and asks Beena to have food for her baby’s growth. Beena leaves smiling. Shravan then calls Suman and asks her to meet him in garden. She meets him, and he says they will have moonlight dinner. They both sit on table. She asks what did he bring. He shows butter paneer, rotis, etc. She asks if he eats so much butter. He says Punjabis cannot live without butter and ghee, they get energy from it. She says her family will get indigestion seeing oily food. They feed each other, their romantic chat continues. He says she looks tired and asks her to rest on his shoulder. She rests on his shoulder and falls asleep. He thinks she is so sweet and turns towards her. His lips is about touch her lips when she wakes up and feels nervous. Shravan also feels nervous. They spend whole night on bench and decide to meet near wall partition at 2 p.m. In the morning, Daddu calls Suman for a morning walk. She silently walks from behind and says she cannot accompany on a walk today as she is not feeling well. On the other side, Rajender asks Bunty where is Shravan. Bunty says he has gone for jogging. Shravan acts as jogging and reaches home. Rajender says he is going with Devraj to free his vehicle and then police station regarding Daddu’s complaint.

They both meet in the afternoon at 2 p.m. at wall partition. Their romantic chat starts. Suman asks how will they meet again. He says near this wall and over phone and video call. Discussion continues and says he has named this space as Suvan space, Su from Suman and Van from Shravan. Suman likes that. Their chatting continues. Suman leaves when Daddu calls her. In the evening, Shravan and Suman’s chatting over phone continues when Devraj with Rajender returns and asks Suman where is Kavita, but Shravan is busy. Devraj asks what is happening. Shravan gets alert. Rajenger thanks Devraj for accompanying him to police station. Devraj asks not to thank him repeatedly.

Next morning, Shravan with Bunty watches Vijay starting class. Anish tries to sit in Shravan’s place, but Suman stops him and asks to sit on another chair. Shravan tells Bunty that his Sumo loves him so much. Vijay sees Shravan and asks why didn’t he attend class yesterday and asks to join today. Shravan asks Bunty what to do. Bunty says family has gone out, so he should attend class and return soon. Shravan attend class. Vijay gives some task which Suman performs perfectly. Shravan does mistake at first, but when Suman helps, he does it perfectly. Anish says Shravan did many mistakes. Vijay says he proved that with determination, one can become perfect. Shravan smiles at Suman.

PRECAP : Vijay asks Suman if she informed Shravan about class activities and recorded videos, she and Shravan should meet him tomorrow. Shravan tells Suman that he told her not to do this, now uncle is doubting them. He meets Vijay and stands nervously.