

Some people think that keeping the Law of God is the most important thing. Apostle Paul said, "even if you keep the whole law, but if you have no love you are nothing". (1 Corinthians 13:1) You're like a cymbal which people sound without purpose. So love is the sure plumbline to show who is righteous and who is evil. For without Love, no one will see God, for God is Love (1 John 4:8).

Love is the foundation of the true righteousness in God (Matthew 19:19). God himself had demonstrated the true love to the world that, " While we were sinners, he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for us" (Romans 5:6). This is Greater love indeed which is self generative that even when we did not ask for it, God manifested it himself in his son. He died while we had no knowledge about it. Before we could even think about it, Jesus died for us. No one among the human family knew that Love of God is needed here but he began it himself. He sent his only son to die for the sin of the entire world even if the world did not ask for it.

Each and every person has this goal before him - To Love one another (John 13:35). Love is the main sign of true righteousness in the life of each person. Anyone who doesn't love is of the devil Satan, for God is Love (1 John 4:8).

Our Lord commanded us to love one another and to love our enemies as well ( Luke 6:32). And we should pray for our enemies so that they can repent and come to the Lord to ask for forgiveness. For that is true love. God wants to hear us praying for our enemies, and when we reach to that extent, he will approve us as righteous people.

The founding base of our faith should be Love for no one will be justified without love. It's the great task for each and every one to examine himself how much love be does towards the neighbour.For you can't love God while you hate your neighbour. For it's impossible to please God without love to one another.

Do good to those who do not love you for if you love those who love you, what good is in that seeing that even the wicked peoples do it? Do not pray for your enemies to die but pray that they live on and see repentance and love all the people. The righteousness which is separated from love is sin. No one will be saved without loving everyone equally. For if you hate one person in your neighborhood, you are sinning because sin is the transgression of the Law.And the Law kept without love is wrong because love is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:8). Because anyone who loves has seen God for love is God himself. No one has ever seen God with our human eyes but those who love have seen him for God is love. So love is the cardinal element in one's life.

Love covers a lot of sins. All the sins that the whole world had committed against God, had caused the death of the innocent lamb of God Jesus Christ to die at Calvary in a very shameful way of dying and displayed naked up on the cross so that everyone can see. He was severely beaten and all his bruises cure us from death. Let's love the Lord who was nailed on our behalf. Each and everyone of us was supposed to die for himself but Jesus Christ came and died for us all. Christ died for me and also for my neighbour and for my enemies. Jesus loves all of us. The same way he calls me, he's calling my enemies too. If am the son of Jesus Christ, then my enemies also are sons and daughters of Jesus Christ. The same nice promises that he tells me, he tells my enemies the as well. In Jesus Christ no one is loved most than the others. We are all his people and his friends. He doesn't want that any single person dies alone in sins, he wants to redeem everyone of us.

He encourages us to do good things to one another because we are his beloved children. He gives us gifts of all types according to his will. There things that we ask him to give us, and many things we receive them before we ask for them. He's a very Caring parent of both good and bad children. Fair in all his deals he knows that all of us we need what others have. Above all he knows all what is best for each and everyone of us.