

Some people think that keeping the Law of God is the most important thing. Apostle Paul said, "even if you keep the whole law, but if you have no love you are nothing". (1 Corinthians 13:1) You're like a cymbal which people sound without purpose. So love is the sure plumbline to show who is righteous and who is evil. For without Love, no one will see God, for God is Love (1 John 4:8).

Love is the foundation of the true righteousness in God (Matthew 19:19). God himself had demonstrated the true love to the world that, " While we were sinners, he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for us" (Romans 5:6). This is Greater love indeed which is self generative that even when we did not ask for it, God manifested it himself in his son. He died while we had no knowledge about it. Before we could even think about it, Jesus died for us. No one among the human family knew that Love of God is needed here but he began it himself. He sent his only son to die for the sin of the entire world even if the world...