

Magic Wizards Ep 4: Drama Rama (Part 6)

Today's Read: Filled with conflict and super suspicious talk. Does Sheila have anything to do with the Mystery?If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 4: Drama Rama

It was finally the end of the day for the Wizards. Quincy, Rege and Rj were walking together along with Rascals the fairy. They were leaving school. While walking they noticed Sheila and Tori walking together a few steps in front of them.

"There she is now's our chance." Rascals said.

"What if she's rude?" Rj said next.

"Don't worry, Quincy will put her in her place again" Rege finally spoke.

He wasn't paying attention and bumped into her distracted by the conversation. They both turned around with the Wizards face quickly changing.

"Can you guys like watch where your going please, thanks." Sheila spoke rolling her eyes.

"Well...we have something to talk about." Rege said a little serious with a nervous tone.

"Oh what? Rj's disappearance? Look he's fine now bye."

Rege watched and looked at Quincy wanting him to say something as they walked away. Quincy took a deep breath and put his game face on.

"Wow great way to make your self look guilty. You must be walking away because your hiding something." He yelled.

"Oh boy." Raacals added.

They both turned around and walked back up.

"Ohhh...Mr.Quincy huh. Such a nice name for a not so sweet guy. We have unfinished bjsinesss from last time i suppose. Right Tori?" Sheila smirked.

"Right." She chuckled a bit.

"And just what do you find guilty about me? Go on..." She said still holding her smirk as a gaze.

Rascals, Rege and Rj looked nervous waiting for his response. It took him a minute but he tried not to show his fear. He took another deep breath.

"Well right now the way you quickly walked away and the way you just blew off the whole Rj going missing."

"So? Everyone knew he was missing genuis. What's your point."

Quincy looked to the ground. He felt stupid at this point. Rj stepped up next to him to depend.

"What he's saying is that, we think you have something to do with this. We saw you with someone... you went to the bathroom with someone...wearing white. Would you happen to know who that could be?!" he asked trying to keep a game face on but was shaking inside.

Sheila eyed Tori and back at the Wizards.

'Well...i don't know what your talking about? And i don't see how that has anything to do with you being missing."

Rj balled one of his hands into a fist. He was over Sheila at this point but he tried to keep his cool.

"Rj we said enough. Let her go, she obviously isn't a good liar like Quincy said, he's the one that saw you." Rege blurted.

"Well... doesn't that make him a stalker?! How bout you losers keep your selves out of my business. Come on tori."

Tori nodded. They both walked away.

"Ok she's sooo lying. And hiding something." Rascals claimed.

"Guilty for sure." Quincy said still watching them walk away.

Night had fallen. Rege was alone in his room. He had alot of thoughts about everything that happened today. From the Madison conflict to Sheila being suspicious. His phone had went off while he was thinking. It was a text from Madison.

Text:So how is everything?_Madison.

He sighed and text back.

Text:I dont know_Rege.

Quickly putting his phone away, he falls on his bed lazy and looks up to the celling feeling a little tired. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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