

Preface, just a glipse of a book in the works (alltogether with content i have written 7325 words total)

(looking for anyone interested in being invited to my google docs. for sugestions notes and watch the development as it happens. of course will be addeded to the book as soted support and advisors. with a negotiated bit of royalties if or when that happens)message me well discuse more

Laid within is displayed as plain and clearly as one wishes to read. All is as I have seen all is as it has been, forever more will I share the becoming of self divergence from that which has for too long burdened my time with needless withdrawal behind these walls holding back how I truly have wanted to be seen as.

As a man known as that you may never truly understand. Neither less is inlaid onto the blank innocents appearance of paper never knowing when. Yet always, yearning to have ink brought forth upon prying eyes, all these eyes, behind eyes. Words scratched from life never to lie. rather too seek all who have been desiring a glance of themselves seldomly expressed openly.

For you I inspire self awareness, trailed toe to heel with confidence. I implore you to look inward upon a once empty page. In Between the margins of time seek to find within every line as if magnetized with a need to peer attentively you will feel the rush of an encroaching realization. That so few sheets bound with hardenstock,holds such an unexpected encumbrance rested upon the soul yet the weight of a depleted stack of printer paper. Placed before you, rested in palm and hand, residing deeply within.

Such an empathic work of art. Seen as a captivating frail parchment canvas, painted with pigments as brilliant as the imaginations of those who willfully traverse the pages of uncertainty with a hope of clarity. Unknowingly forming a connection with a memorie lived, a memorie never before told to the world. Purposely imperfectly executed design of lessons imbued in remorse. Intentionally meant for all souls willing to translate into the language native to their own hearts.

Understand? Finally they are not the only ones with such unsanctioned hope desperate for a need to no longer fear ridicule. Bravely, setting aside submissive doubting, confidently without a dismissal of confidence willing to forcefully release such a meaningful way of expressing their inner self beauty.

This pain of mine chronicled so elegantly soothing to one's own woes. That pain was self inflicted by the constant hindering reason to always be in compliance. At this moment I have no other purpose other than believing that I once needed to rely on a parasitic addiction called codependency. Such dependency brought forth relentless unjustified traveling words of jealousy, envy and pure malicious intent. Shut down nothing could succeed in allowing me to speak my feelings for fear of losing a false sense of diluted excuses of hope. Convinced the sun will rise brighter next morning. Little did I know there was an eclipse to follow as well.
Though some of my pieces may not directly captivate your own self discovery. Those who seek answers will Always find what they tirelessly have sought after. Flawlessly written records of pure passion for all, passion given without exception to any one person. Uncertainty of those would undoubtedly fall into a trace compelled to continue reading line after line. Giving way to focused weary eyes.

Contained within Content that may possibly dredge up emotions long ashamed of lay dormant slumbering. Surrounded by the vast ocean waiting for tides to rise. Unbeknownst to the hibernating. The weight displaces what has been cast away. Soon to be submerged in this frightful escape. Lost was what has been a castaway. welcomed over the horizon through glimmering eyes. Overbearing this newly discovered sensation. Control over self destruction and awareness of a constant need to project outward a humbling display of respect for your own beliefs and feelings. Tasking is the effort to maintain.

This Welcome change Tightly secured closely pressed firmly against none other than bare breast. Comfortably holding dearly every shallow breath. Carefully subduing an endless desperation, so as to avoid becoming yet another forgotten nameless derelict basking under the bright dazzling rays of our sun.

Once to have i entertained the thought of exclusively being subservient, given willfull shape to an elegantly adorned deviously accepted cancerous collar. Chained to unknown ignorance having never to confront opposition. Compliant to the guile of your beloved deceiver.

For you this collection has been bound as one. bring With your curiosity all the patients you are able to muster. Soon too, will find solace being known as the one, who is now no longer seeking the answer to why? Rather accepting the answers that youhave known all the while. step forward, time is now to fully embrace what deprived knowledge has been coveted revaled to you as trust in own words and choices. Nonetheless if not here with in then some other muse shall grant you the serenity. i promise this transendence will too come bareing gifts of enlightend self worth.

No longer Will our breaths be held. Line after line together we shall breathe as one.

© DJN87