

Susan Horne
I first met Susan when we were coming back from a school trip on the train, we were sitting opposite each other and both really shy 14 year olds, I managed to pluck the courage to speak to the beautiful girl opposite, I really can't remember but I know it was the start of a beautiful friendship.

We started to chat about the trip, especially the fact the Cathedral shop had to be closed due to theft. Susan asked if I wanted to get a coffee, feeling quite embarrassed I explained that I didn't have any money as my mum didn't have enough to give me, Susan said it's ok I'll buy you one, so I accepted a cup of tea, we talked until we got off of the train and she accepted when I offered to walk her home.

We would meet up after school as we were in different classes, I'd walk her home every day but as I said we were both shy, so didn't even hold hands.
Then came the summer holidays we met up every day for the first week, me with I luv Sue written on my white plimsolls, which I would try to hide.
One of my friends said he fancied Susan so thought I'd better ask her out quickly, so I went to Susan's house and said I know someone that wants to go out with you, smiling a beaming smile she said ask me then, I bottled it and said it's Ricky. With tears in her eyes she said I've got to go.

Susan started seeing Ricky but it didn't last as he was nasty to her.
We remained friends for a while but we never recovered from that day.
All these years later I still think about my first love Susan Horne

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