

The Making of Mr. Herman Way
Herman was born brilliant. Even just after his beautiful mother gave birth, he was immediately saying, "mama." Both of his parents were extraordinary people, good looking, clever, and complete with hearts that went beyond their union and preparation for the baby, to great thoughtfulness for all humanity. Fate however doesn't take a survey before ill falls upon them and Herman went from charming nursery to orphanage.

There his passions began. While guardians orchestrated his upbringing with an ample share of chores, a great appreciation for nature, a love for the arts and a great additude for studies, he saw that life was full of complexities and the great need for solutions. He would think about this while enjoying the beautiful edible and ornamental gardens on the hills serenaded by songbirds. One favorite place to sit was in the orchard. Sometimes fresh fruit would actually drop into his carpenters apron. He would devour the fruit as he learned about life...