

Love Is The Greatest Trick...
Chapter one

Truly the sages have said that deception comes from forgiveness.It has been said that the greatest betrayal lied within your loved ones whom you wholeheartedly and soul devoted you are to them whom you'd take a Bullet for here's my greatest betrayal.

I've always wondered what was my purpose on earth from the day I was born to the day I became of age. I wasn't always like this you see... I was once an innocent boy with an innocent mind , filled with dreams and smiles of a little kid but now I'm just depressed and anxious about life and everything. The days of youth came and went like sand through the hourglass so do hours pass. Time flies but the good news is that each individual who's conscious of space and time is the pilot so they said but what happens when the pilot falls victim to the DNA's way of trickery which is well-known as love... They say love is a feeling of affection that you seek and give but they're mistaken , love is but an illusion without a doubt , this illusion has both an advantage and a disadvantage. The disadvantages are that it'll leave you in tears , broken and feeling unimaginable lost. But the Advantage is that it comes with a teaspoon of happiness , a pinch of hallucinogenic warmth, a handful of memories, and finally the final product which is offsprings yes love is just a way that the DNA tricks...