

A True Warrior
"No." She screamed as she ran towards the lifeless body.
She stumbled twice while running, but nothing mattered to her, everything was destroyed. She jumped, grappling for the body. Her sword skidded away onto the bloody floor.

"No no no, Raven open your eyes. Please," she cried holding onto her dead sister's body. Raven didn't reply, her gaze fixed upon the ceiling.

Alexa gripped her tightly, not wanting to let go. She knew Raven was dead, she knew that whatever she might do, Raven would never come back. The first time in fifteen years, she cried. When she was ten, she had sworn to herself that she'll never cry. No one had ever seen her cry.

Jay and Lily stood close by watching their friend sob upon a dead body. Alexa had killed many people in wars and battles but seeing her like this was a shock for both of them.

People called her a warrior and surely she was and is one, but what people don't know is that warriors are humans too, they have feelings and emotions too. They are not perfect, no one is.

Alexa clenched her fists and reluctantly stood up, her eyes red and puffy from sobbing. She took her sword, the one she loved the most, and kept it beside Raven. She knelt down and kissed her sister's forehead.

"I love you, Raven, I always have. My sister, my warrior. As long as I will dream, I'll dream of you." She said with tears streaming down her eyes.
"Thou shall enter the heaven, beneath the wing of the God." With that said, Alexa touched her sister's forehead.

The room illuminated by a white, blinding light. Jay and Lily backed up and closed their eyes tightly, but Alexa stood there, still and silent. She had her eyes open, looking into the white halo.

When everything got back to normal, Raven's body had disappeared with the sword that Alexa had kept beside her. Raven, her only family, which now was beyond existence.

Alexa repeated her words in a low voice.
"As long as I will dream, I'll dream of you."

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