

Monsoon murmurs (19)
Almost all global civilizations are River civilizations. River offers a fast, safe transportation, apart from providing water for agriculture, cooking and drinking. Nandu's village was on the banks of River Vaigai. It is one of those rivers called "jeeva nadhi" meaning ever flowing in ancient times. When India was divided into states of languages, the catchment area went to Kerala, the neighbouring state. After that the flow of the river became irregular as Kerala had other plans for that water. Even the regular flow was interrupted when there was human induced climate change. The original tropical trees were replaced by tea and coffee plantations that brought money but not much rains. So eventually, the water flow became erratic and almost nil in recent time. It is hard to see a river dying.

When Nandu was young the river had seasonal flooding and regular water flow. The village panchayat has installed a radio on the Riverside for people to enjoy as well as to inform the farmers about river flow from Vaigai dam miles away. Radio was never popular before and a person with a radio was considered rich. More so, if you posses a transistor radio. Guys with a transistor (radio) carry it pompously on the street with full blast, to attract the attention of young females. Those mobile radios were really big on those days and the guys carry it on their shoulders with pride.

Nandu's family could not afford to buy a radio. Only one house in the street possessed one and Nandu was friendly with boys living in that house. By the weekend there will be special shows with film music. Vividh...