

"Family in a Foreign Land"
#WritcoStoryPrompt109Chapter​ 42"Nataniel's arrival and his father's sudden departure"

Life is full of uncertainties, and on the day of Nataniel's arrival, the family was hit with a sudden tragedy. Torbjörn had picked up Wilhelm from school as usual when he received a call from the hospital. Inger had been transferred to the delivery room due to amniotic fluid leaking and her cervix being fully open.

Torbjörn and Wilhelm rushed to the hospital, parking their car on the other side of the road and waiting for the red light to cross the zebra crossing. As they crossed, a pickup truck sped through the lights and headed straight for Wilhelm's body. Torbjörn turned around and saw him, quickly pushing his son away to get him out of harm's way. The car missed Wilhelm's feet by a hair's breadth.

However, Torbjörn was hit by the pickup truck with full force. Wilhelm watched in horror as his father lay dying before his eyes. People gathered around the scene, watching in shock. Rescuers arrived and worked diligently to save Torbjörn, but it was too late. Wilhelm was treated for a scratch on his arm and was left in shock and disbelief.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Inger gave her final push, and Nataniel was born safely, letting out a loud cry. Inger was exhausted from giving birth and still had no idea of the tragedy that had befallen her husband.

The family's joy at Nataniel's arrival was overshadowed by the sudden loss of Torbjörn. It was a time of immense sadness and grief, as they struggled to come to terms with their loss and adjust to the changes that had come with the arrival of their new family member.
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