

A Personal Memory
I remember when I was in third grade... such a long time.
I was a new student in our school, and I didn't really get along with anybody but maybe one.
She was the kindest friend I have ever met, she was also very smart.
In my old school we used to have a class for only the top, I was part of it, and so was she.
I wasn't really the greatest friend, in fact I may have thought of myself far to greatly than I should have.

One day, I was recognized as the best actor of our school play that given year. Naturally, I was so happy to have recieved an award, and so was she, the rest not so much.
There was this young boy in my class, he was popular and also participated in the play, the others thought that he would win, unfortunately, i did.

Atlast, the day has come, I went on stage again to recieve my award. I was a new student, the other students didn't really know who I was besides seeing me on stage. The only people who knew me were my classmates at that time.
As my name was called, I went up to the stage and smiled. I heard a clap from the audience, yes, only a clap.

All the students didn't know me, my classmates didn't like me, and my teachers also favored the other boy.
The only one who clapped for me was my one friend, and a guy she was beside with; Only them in that big environment.

How I remember the emptiness of that room that is as big as ten classrooms wide. The room was cold and silent besides their clap.

At that age, I didn't react to it that much, but I knew even back then, no one liked me, even if I tried my hardest to be with them. Only one stood by me, and that was that one friend.

A year later she moved to another school, and I was kicked out of the best class, and was placed with the rest.

For years I worked hard, just so that I can stand up on stage again and see the faces of those who never clapped.
Naturally, they still didn't care. But, the look on the teacher's faces who looked down on me, I will never get tired of that.

Why am I remembering this now?
I stumbled upon the picture of that one guy that clapped, he already grew old like the rest of us.
Do they remember this story? Did this impact them as it has affected me?
Probably not.

To my one friend during that third grade, she may not be reading this, but I would always want to say that,
Thank you, you made me realize how stupid of a friend I was for not treasuring you more back then.
Wherever you may be now, I hope you do find happiness.
© -iAmSentimental