

Delicate Conversations: Un-Forgotten
How long does it take to heal from events no longer present? no longer breathing, no longer in need of my soul, no longer whispering the essence of my name eagerly?
When does realisation sit in... making it known I'm no longer a slave to the grips no longer clawed, no longer tight, no longer holding on?

Have I been summoning it when it has long been gone, begging me to allow it to rest, hoping I've forgotten and moved on instead I return to its door step ringing the bell until restlessness causes it to welcome me in for coffee. "You're back again, posing as a dead man.. remaining in a place stoned in time never to belong with the living.. if you return again I promise you'll never understand joy again.. now leave, be hopeful.. soft love has failed you, cuddling your destructive nature WAKE UP, or this time you'll belong with the dead."

© fruitfulodyssey

#wakeupcall #awareness #heal #focus #hopeful #pain