

Part 15
Chapter 38

He took a deep breath as he moved away from the railing on the roof. Looked back at it and burst with speed toward it then jumped off the building. Descending down a ninety story building at a high velocity of speed, his blood rushed. A feeling he should be used to by now but it always gets him excited. He reached for a branch as he approached a palm tree. The island looks like any island of doom you would find in a movie. Trees, a volcano, and animals. Except all of these have been altered. The volcano is the vent where the nausea gas is released, the trees are the same but are induced with poison lethal for intruders who haven't been injected with the serum, and the animals are robots that act as surveillance for the island, buildings are located far inside the island. Anyone who enters without being detected will either be killed by the robot animals, poison from the trees or the nausea gas. Its a complete fortress.
He moved swiftly with ease over the trees, as if doing parkour in the city. He's speed and agility was that of a monkey but twice as fast. He looked like an evil spirit moving about in the night. Black sleeveless tuxedo, black sneakers, black leather gloves, a black shirt and black hair. He is the embodiment of his name.
He jumped off the last tree and landed on the docks. His personal militia of war soldiers was already standing in place, ready and armed, awaiting his command. He smiled as he took his sword disguised as a walking stick from his butler. Three war helicopters were up and running. He boarded one of them without saying a word to the militia. They already knew what they had to do. His helicopter started ascending, he took a deep breath and smiled.
'Off to France we go. I'm coming for you twin brother.' He let out a hysterical laugh then a grin. His eyes turned crimson red and he let out a sinister grin. The war was about to begin.

Chapter 39

Shore was beginning to be visible. It was still night. An unsettling feeling hit me. My instincts told me not to go to France. They told me to kill Mei right here and now. To stop the world's destruction, a single soul needs to be sacrificed. That doesn't sound like a problem at all. My vision slowed everything around me down. Their laughs were slow. I was in full killing mode. I looked toward the door and was about to exit then a hand grabbed me.
'I know what you're thinking. But it's vital we don't have her killed. We still need to know the mastermind behind all of this.' Aunt whispered in my ear. I calmed down and regained my focus.
'Oh yeah. I almost forgot. The uniforms you asked me to bring Candice—san.' The General reached for a box under the steering compartment. Took out plastics with clothes and gave us each. Mei entered the room with a drowsy look on her face.
'Great timing Mei. Look at these cool uniforms we just received.' Merylin handed one to her. We all tore open the plastic wrapping and unfolded them. Each were different. Merylin got a black long sleeve dress, stiletto boots and half gloves. Kazuto got a two piece camo print set, shock absorbent sneakers and black gloves. Mei got a camo print hoodie and track pants, shock absorbent sneakers and gloves. Auntie got herself the same old outfit. A black t-shirt and coat, camo print track pants and flats. As for me, I got my usual assasination uniform. A storm grey tailcoat with a hoodie, durable track pants, black shock absorbent sneakers and grey gloves.
'I know you love simplicity Shiro, so I gave you your usual. As for weapons you guys, the General will sort us out. What you need to know is that we are going to kill our enemy as soon as we see them. France will be a blood bath, so I need all of you strong and safe. These suits are made from graphene and carbon fibre, 50 calibre rounds won't pierce but will hurt like hell. So put them on and wear them proudly as we go to the battlefield. We are assassins of the AOA, we serve Japan and the world. We work in the shadows to serve the light, we are the killers of the world. So let us go fourth and destroy for a purpose.'
Her famous words. The same words she uses when we go on major operations, whether stealth or frontal. She really is the Goddess of War.
We donned our uniforms and prepared to dock. General Kamine has friends who let him enter without detection, perks of being ex- military. That ship sure is fast we got here after three hours, technology is on another level. As we set foot on Le Havre, a rush of adrenaline surged through my body. I let out a grin.
'Time to kill.' I said as we walked onward in the night to wait for our enemies arrival.