

We The People
We the people was the slogan our country was founded upon
We have lost this over the years due to the education system
Teachers failing to teach basic skills but teaching our children to hate each other due to skin color or cultural differences
Taking parents out of the picture and making themselves the head of our children
When will we as basic human beings stop the spread of hate and spread of separation
When will we learn not to vote for the same party over and over that does nothing but promote all that is evil
The same party in charge now is the same party that seperated from the union to keep slavery alive back then they just found a new way of doing it
The longer we play ignorant and weak the easier it will be for them to control our children in the future. As it is now our children will be controlled and will never have a say on what happens in this country

Example they protest for an organization that raped women burned babies in ovens killed unarmed people during a peaceful concert and peace time . When the war started they stole food and supplies from the people they were to protect and used those same people for human shields
As we learned more we see they were working not for their own people but for another religious fanatic who calls for the death of all non believers

When will we learn our children are brainwashed and not using the common sense they were born with. When will they realize that the same country they are protesting for would abuse them for who they are and kill them for their sexual orientation .

I am sorry if this offended anyone but it has to be said the story of America

© Robert prezioso