

Knowing a stranger (part 3)
''oh I'm really s-sorry..I just didnt sa-''
''oh you again on my way .Dont you have eyes ?oh what the hell! how vould I areange this up again!!!''

If I got angry I'll just burst out even without considering where I'm standing

''I -I-just ..''
''oh I know you're sorry.plz just go before I loose my control
He just walked.But that was the time I realized I couldn't carry all these books;got thrown all over floor like that.I called him.
''hey you''.He turned back.Even now I cant see his face clearly.why is he wearing a cap and a hoodie in this fucking hot summer?
how can he just go like that?
''can't can't you see what you've done ?you have to help me instead''
he came towards me ,and arranged all the books properly .Gave it to my hands and walked away.I wonder why did he behave like that! If it was someone else they would have spill out every stupid things from mouth and have passed by my side.
I was confused to laugh or to admire how he behaved.
Dont know why he didnt talk too much