The She Factor.!!
Nothing was simoultaneously as happier and as confusing to me than the question,”How you define womenhood?” I can’t answer so proudly to that question, as i think we are still far away from realising ,it is something that need not to be defined but left to be exist with out judging. Living in a time where the movement for rights and equality at its best form,its high time to accept we are not upto the mark when it comes to realising and accepting the “She Factor”. Iam from india. I see and hear things which has been going on here in the name of tradition and rituals,which projects women as secondary,helpless ,weak and care needing (Which means Under the watch of men,here).She , even in the heart of this fast growing change of time,chained and tifled inside conditions and judgements nominated by society.I always wonder where it started? When it started? Went through a lot of matriachial social formations which are still existing in many parts of world.Now here,iam like many of the readers , in a place where we think We should”GIVE” freedom to a woman as if she gave it all to us in a bag first. Hightime we should do what we speak about.From education to marraige we are...