

tomorrow #6
"where are we going" I asked Corey "how do you expect me to know dummy" Corey said with a irritated voice. "hey you guys shut up back there im trying to listen to music" a horseman said as he started to sing a Beyonce song unbelievably good "hey I didn't know you could sing like that" another horse man said "there's a lot of things you don't know about me" the singing horseman said. "you still got your phone" I asked "why wouldn't I dude, your asking some slow questions" Corey said "well dang I was just asking" I said really offended. Corey grabbed a random knife out of his pocket and put it around one of the horsemens neck "unlock the doors or i slit his throat" Corey yelled "COREY YOU CANT DO THAT" I yelled "and why is that, aren't we Trying to get out" he asked "yes but it seems your also being kinda slow because he has a horse mask on and that knife clearly isn't sharp enough" I explained as Corey then just stabbed his chest "NOOOOOO" the other horseman cried "HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND, ill show you just how I feel as he grabbed me and put a knife to my head. "Corey don't do anything" I told him and I looked to my left to see the horseman mask beside me. "you little twerp im killing him on 3...2.." and I quickly picked up the horseman mask, put it to his face and strangled him until he went out. "you know how to drive" Corey asked "what do you think, I haven't even seen a working car in 3 years" I yelled "let's find palms" Corey said "yeah I haven't seen her every since the first bullet got shot let's WALK back to the village to find her" I said as we got out the car and walked to the village.

tune in for more tomorrow chapter 7

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