

My little girl
I soo much desire to be a mum. What joy it would be when every one comes to my baby shower with gifts waiting for my baby to finally be here.Nine months isn't long, it's time now I have to battle it out in the maternity room.Prayers are accompanied from friends and family all waiting for my little girl.A cry will be heard it's you baby,welcome to our world.And when I hold you in my arms little angel can't wait.When you learn to walk and am seated there looking at you fall but still wake up to try again,you would be a fighter I would tell myself,you are just like your mummy.And when you are old enough to go to school I'd make your hair,dress you up in your uniform and socks and little shoes.I'd take you to school leave you in your teacher's hands,new friends you will have.You will be away from me for some hours but I'll still wait for you in the evening and to hear from you how your first day in school was.You want to be like mummy right?That's how it starts my little girl.
© Grace kaj