

As I woke up on one fine morning, to begin yet another working day of my life, everything felt absolutely normal. I was just a regular guy with a regular job- I worked 8 hours a day at my desk in the office, getting myself earfuls of the boss's complaints. It was usual and abominable but it helped put the rice on the table and I made do with it. My only recreations were weekend house parties with a few friends where we immersed the monotony of our lives in the euphoria of alcohol.
It was time that I got going for my office and I hastened to get a last look at myself in my boring formals while grabbing some stationary from my writing desk. It was then that it felt abnormal.
As I said, I have a pretty regular routine and it was unusual for me to keep my things elsewhere. But my writing desk was a mess! As I was wondering what might be the cause of it and whether I ought to put it right before leaving, something else occured. My whole room started shaking. For once I got an idea that might be some earthquake was having a go but when i looked out of thw window everything was normal.. only everything in my room was shaking. Not only that but soon it was difficult for me to stand. I tried to sit down but for that i had to reach my bed. With one hand outstreched to grasp anything I could in that shaking room I tried to balance myself as I edged towards my target. However, midway I heard a loud crack and as a I looked up to see if the ceiling was falling in, the ground beneath me moved and I felt myself falling into nothingness. That is the last thing I remember before passing out.
To be continued...
© jb