

Journey towards recovery
This story is the next chapter in Mugdha's life.

Mugdha was recovering from a very dark phase. It was very difficult since she had no parents and she completely relied on her partner. Her day began with his video call and ended with him wishing her good night.

She never needed anyone apart from him. But Mugdha was a very tuff nut. She knew the coming week will be more worse as it was his marriage. She spoke to her aunt and went to her place.

Mugdha never felt so vulnerable. She gathered her broken heart and reached her aunt's place. To her suprise, she received a very warm welcome and that's when she understood how much her family loved her.

She was given a seperate room and her cousin bought a lovely bed and arranged all that would be important since Mugdha would be working from her home.

These were the things Mugdha always wanted - Love, care and affection. These minute details were the ones she always craved. Her uncle was so caring.

Mugdha was preparing rotis with her aunt and she started talking. That's when her aunt explained that if her ex- lover so caring he would have hurted Mugdha and promised her that she and her husband will find a suitable match.

But now it is time for Mugdha to heal and never allow past to cover her future. During this conversation, aunt mentioned about Vijay - Mugdha's former ex. She said - " Mugdha do you remember Vijay...

Mugdha was suprised for a second...Vijay. Vijay and Mugdha met during her aunt's daughter wedding. Vijay was a charmer, dancer and very stylish. It was an instant connection. Sparks ignited between them in 1 week wedding.

Mugdha said aunty it is 9 years and I don't think he will be single. Aunty said - we never know.

Mugdha was thinking at night - Is it right? Is Vijay still single? Is it right to even think of him and she is not sure if she is still over the ex.

Is it destiny that aunty took Vijay name after a gap of 9 years. What is in store of Mugdha.....

Or is it that Mugdha being an overthinker and a dreamer is thinking 🤔🤔🤔🤔

The recovery phase though not recovery with haunting memories has something else.......