

Not Your Average Human
I'm not your average human. I don't open my mouth without intelligently analyzing and making sure everything is theoretically spoken and not hypothetically spoken. Not a day goes by you will not hear my condescending voice. The sound of my desperate self is like opening my oral orifice in order to uttersome incredibly elaborate multiple syllable synonym for a monotonous idiom and why? In order to verify my intelligence while elaborating on some inconsequential notion. In order to talk down to me and to put me down. You must first elevate me to a seemingly omnipotent status. In order to adumbrate the true motive behind my utterance. Sometimes I’ll use the words wrong. I might say adumbrate when I meant to say obscure, But I wont admit it. I’ll saunter about, like disreputable thesauruses, spouting incomprehensible garble in my ramblings. Ill always interject into conversation with boisterous nonsensicalls, all in the name of further aerating my inflated ego. I’ll also complicate my ideas with overtly unnecessary descriptive and dramatic devices, stockpiling them as a squirrel and food for winter, my brain carefully handling each new metaphor and storing it, piecing it together in an order to convey a sense of assonance, rhyme, righteousness, and read ability and what do I really look like? Like any one I further proliferate my surely impeccable knowledge into unsuspecting presentations. I bedevil the individuals surrounding me with incessant chatter on subject matters not needing the exasperating number of elaborate theological or factual contributions. Even my writing does not escape the clutch of my perturbing vice. Even poetry, the genre where surely ideas would be wanted to be conveyed to my own target bibliomaniac guilelessly and artfully i feel the compulsion to affix further voluminous vocabulary in order to convey my ideas. This poetry turns into a monotonous bore to decipher, But feels indebted, as these poems are even a bigger monotonous bore to be listened to. Always growing to be a more intelligent being made in the image of God himself. Knowledge is wisdom getting used by a mind of a intelligent being. I am that being.