

📖 a story ~ ✨the girl and the oak ~ ✨CHAPTER 3
Oak and Rain spoke for hours about anything and everything, sitting down in the frosty grass overlooking Main Street and the busy people. The two kindred spirits were surrounded by wildflowers and starlight. ‘One thing I still don’t understand’ Rain expressed more confident than before ‘is how you are a tree…and a man?’

He smiled gently with a little giggle and lightly held Rain’s hands, which still had some tears imprinted onto them. ‘It’s a long story but I think you’re ready to hear it now, I was waiting until you had found your tears, because tears have power to heal and restore’. Oak spoke in a way which felt as sweet as honey to Rain’s broken heart. ‘Well, what are you waiting for then’ Rain nudged him and giggled ‘just tell me the truth!’

Oak paused and then continued ‘okay I will’. They were both looking up at the stars and Rain was ready to hear his answer, just as much as he was ready to open his heart. ‘So, when I was a little boy, I never felt like the other kids my age, I was reflective and always writing stories. Rain interrupted him suddenly and excitedly said ‘me too, I love stories’. Oak and Rain both smiled longingly until Oak remembered he hadn’t finished what he was saying.

He continued ‘one day an old kindly man came to me and said do you see peace?’ I said ‘yes I do, I always have’. ‘Good, said the old man and he took me across the narrow path to a wildflower meadow filled with beauty. He told me that I could become a tree, mighty and magnificent, to shelter the fireflies from the storm and be a refuge to those who are mistreated by the busy people. The old man also said that I would become a human again, when I am fully grown and the girl who is meant for me finds her tears. All I had to do was trust his promises’.

© MegM🌻