

Conversation with Horror

"The last time it happened, I remember you came in stealthly unlike your wont to come with accompanying fear through the creaking doors in the middle of night when ghosts and goblins all come alive"

" I remember that, vividly, and I was mighty pleased with myself too.
How I paralyzed him and he was unable to say anything too, but could feel the pin pricks I subjected him to.
With blood oozing out of the prickholes, he was dying a very slow death and unable to yell even. How I released those creepy serpents on him and the horror in his eyes was to be seen to be believed"

"Yes I remember that and also that you had a hearty laugh with that fear inducing shrill guffaw when he passed out, out of fear rather than blood loss"

" O that was so good, though I would have wanted to see him live a little longer to feel the slithering serpents move around his body that couldn't move, and to fear the impending bites of the poisonous snakes, also I had plans to release the cockroaches on him"

" Oh! you are indeed a wicked one, horror in person itself"

" Thanks for the compliment, next time you'll see me asphyxiate a person by submersing him in acid that will gnaw him and dissolve him all, that would be fun"

© Anuj Jain